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D3.5 SWF Use Case - Final Version 1.2

WSMO / SWF Working Draft 19 October 2004

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Michael Stollberg, DERI
Michael Stollberg, DERI
Ioan Toma, DERI
Uwe Keller, DERI
Bernhard Keimel, Quarto
Peter Zugmann, Quarto

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Copyright © 2004 DERI®, All Rights Reserved. DERI liability, trademark, document use, and software licensing rules apply.


This document specifies a use case for the Semantic Web Fred project, short SWF, in the domain of purchasing furniture. The aim of this use case is testing and validation as well as demonstrating the the SWF technology. The use case is open for reuse and apdaption within the SDK-Cluster working groups around WSMO.

Related Documents

WSMO Standard: WSMO D2 v0.2 Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO), last version at:

WSMO Use Case: WSMO D3.2 v0.1 WSMO Use Case and Testing

SWF: all deliverables

Table of contents

1. Introduction
1.1 SWF Conceptual Architecture
1.2 SWF Components
2. Use Case Overview
2.1 Ontologies
   2.1.1 Furnishing Ontology
   2.1.2 Markeptplace Ontology
   2.1.3 Location Ontology
2.2 Goal Templates
   2.2.1 Buyer Goal Templates
   2.2.2 Seller Goal Templates
2.3 Cooperative Goals
2.4 Services
   2.4.1 Buyer Services
   2.4.2 Seller Services
2.5 Mediators
   2.5.1 GG Mediators
2.6 Participants
3. Use Case Models
3.1 Ontologies
3.2 Goal Templates
   3.2.1 Buyer Goal Templates
   3.2.2 Seller Goal Templates
3.3 Cooperative Goals
3.4 Goal Instances
   3.4.1 Buyer Goal Instances
   3.4.2 Seller Goal Instances
3.5 Services
   3.5.1 Service Ontology
   3.5.2 Buyer Services
   3.5.3 Seller Services
3.6 Mediators
   3.6.1 GG Mediators
3.7 SWF Use Case Knowledge Base
4. SWF Discoveres: Matchmaking Overview
4.1 GG Discoverer
4.2 GS Discoverer
   4.2.1 Pre-Selector
   4.2.2 GIS Matcher
4.3 WW Discoverer
5. Conclusion and Future Work
Appendix A: Change Tracking

1. Introduction

This document specifies a use case for the Semantic Web Fred project, short SWF. The aim is to test and validate the SWF technology, as well as defining a showcase for demonstrating the SWF technology. The use case is settled in the domain of purchasing furniture: we define buyers and sellers of whom each has a Goal (a buyer wants to purchase some furinture, and the seller wants to sell furniture); the goals of the participants can only be solved by a cooperation of a buyer and a seller.

Before we give a detailed overview of the use case in Section 2 and the models of SWF components in Section 3, we first briefly recall the objectives of SWF, the conceptual architecture, and the specification of the SWF components along with the SWF Component Description Language on basis of WSMO Standard [WSMO]. More detailed specification of the SWF technology can be found in the realted SWF Deliverables available at the SWF Website at

1.1. SWF Conceptual Architecture

The traditional approach that dominated IT-system design over decades is the request-provider model: a request carries the information of the service, invokes the service and collects the result of the service. In order to overcome the limitations in regard to support of the user perspective and reusability of services, the “rational agent approach” enforced in the AI-community introduces the notion of goals. The major motivation for this novel approach is that the user desire is decoupled from the resolving services, and the connection is dynamically derived during runtime by intelligent mechanisms. This allows context-independent architectures with maximal reuse of existing computational resources. The technological challenge for such systems is an expressive, well-defined description language and, on this basis, a coherent framework of mechanisms for goal resolution. This is basically the underlying idea of the Web Service Modeling Ontology [WSMO] – identifying Goals and Service, have declarative semantic descriptions of WSMO elements whereupon intelligent mechanisms work.

Semantic Web Fred realizes the WSMO approach, adding the notion of cooperative goal resolution. According to the paradigm of agents as autonomously acting entities in a software environment and with regard to task solving in real-world settings, more complex goals can only be achieved in cooperation as needed facilities might be held by different entities. Further, a cooperative goal resolution will only take place if it is profitable for all participants. In consequence, symmetry is a supplementary design paradigm of SWF: every acting entity in the system has Goals to be resolved as well as Services that provide the functionality the entity brings into a coopera-tive goal resolution. This is reflected in the SWF conceptual archtecture shown in Figure 1:

WSMO Components
Figure 1. SWF Conceptual Architecture

The conceptual architecture illustrates the structure of Freds, the component repositories, and the architecture of the cooperative goal resolution environment. For explaining the overall functionality, we refer to the use specified in the remainder of this document : a buyer wants to buy a chair, and a seller wants to sell furniture (including chairs). These two goals can only be achieved in a cooperation between the buyer and seller, which is realized in SWF as follows.

Image that both parties are represented by Freds in the system (Fred A as the buyer, Fred B as the seller), and services for purchasing are available. At a certain point in time, both create Goal Instances (the ball on top of a Fred-box), indicating their desire to solve the Goal. Out of possibly several Freds in the system, so-called Goal-to-Goal Discovery (short: GG Discovery) detects Fred A and Fred B for cooperation by determining the compatibility of the Goal Instances. Then, A and B have to find suitable services that provide the specific functionalities needed for cooperation. For instance, Fred B as the seller needs a browsing facility for his product catalogue, ability to place a contract of purchase, and a facility for receiving payment; Fred A as the buyer needs the opposite facilities. This is performed by Goal-to-Service Discovery (short: GS Discovery) which detects appropriate services for each Fred in the service repository, similar to Web Service Discovery. In order to allow interaction of the services for automated goal resolution, the services used by the cooperation partners have to be reconcilable with regard to their external behavior (the external visible business processes) and the expected messaging sequence. Thus, the third step in establishing cooperative goal resolution is Service-to-Service Discovery (short: WW Discovery, for societal reasons), establishing the behavioral compatibility of the services detected in GS Discovery. The result of the three discovery mechanisms is a Cooperation Contract that contains all information relevant for execution of the cooperation (the Freds, the Goals, and the Services to be used). Then, the cooperation partners are called into a Meeting Room (see above), wherein this contract is processed by the Service Execution component that handles all execution-related aspects (errors, compensation, etc.).

The goal resolution process is managed by the Goal Solver: it controls the discovery mechanisms, including iterations (e.g. re-call GG Discovery when GS Discovery fails) and rollbacks when the execution of services fails; it also monitors the resolution process of the Goal Instances of the cooperation partners. Although the goal resolution technology in SWF is designed for automated resolution of cooperative goals in particular, Goals that do not need cooperative resolution can be handled as well. Therefore, a Fred is called in a Singleton Meeting where the required services are executed without agent interaction.

1.2 SWF Components

The following briefly describes the SWF components along with the SWF Component Description Language on basis of WSMO Standard [WSMO]. Detailed specification of the SWF components are given in the realted SWF Deliverables available at the SWF Website at

Freds are software agents that act as an electronic representative on behalf of its owner. Goals can be assigned to a Fred for automated resolution, and a Fred has usage permissions for Services existing in the system. The FredBase is the agent runtime environment of the FRED system that comprises all management facilities for Freds. Interactions between Freds take place in Meeting Rooms, wherein all computational resources are available for Service Execution, see detailed explanations in [FRED Whitepaper].

Ontologies provide the formal semantics of the information used by all other components. SWF supports WSMO Ontologies. For internal management, ontologies are transformed into Java Objects in the FRED system, so-called Smart Objects. The expressiveness of Smart Objects for ontology representation is comparable to OWL-DL. The Smart Object technology comprises facilities for management, evolution, mismatch-handling, and persistent storage for ontology data.

Goals A Goal expresses a desire that a user delegates to a Fred for automated resolution. When assigned to a Fred, the information kept in the Goal is used to determine potential cooperation partners and the SWF Services needed to perform the resolution automatically. SWF distinguishes 2 different notion of of Goals:

Additionally, SWF defines Coopertive Goals that describes a Goal that has to be solved in cooperation of multiple partners. It defines compatible Goal Templates, of which Freds carry Goal Instances as partners in cooperative goal resolution. With regard to the use case, a Cooperative Goal 'purchase' has the compatible Goal Templates 'buy chair' and 'sell furniture'. Thus, a Cooperative Goal defines compatible cooperation roles on an ontological level. Cooperative Goals are described by the following elements:

Listing. Cooperative Goal Description
entity cooperativegoal 
      nonFunctionalProperties ofType nonFunctionalProperties
      cooperativeGoalGroup ofTypeSet goal
      cooperativeGoalConstraints ofTypeSet ggMediator

Services The SWF Service Model is comprised of three different service types that can be used for automated goal resolution: (1) Plans are internal services implemented as Java programs, normally used for simple functionalities; (2) Processes are multi-step services wherein each activity can be resolved arbitrarily by a Goal or another Service, thus allow definition of complex, nested services; also (3) external Web Services can be used, which are executed remotely at their respective provider. All Services types in SWF are described by a common description scheme, and the resolution of the service type is left for service execution. SWF Services are described as WSMO Services by the following notions: non-functional Properties (Core Properties and Web Service specific properties as defined in WSMO), a Capability as a functional description (identical with WSMO Web Service Capabilities), and an Interface that specifies the behavior interfaces of a service needed for service usage. The Interface description of Services in SWF consits only of the Choreography Interface description as defined in [WSMO Choreography]; Service aggregation as addressed in WSMO within the notion of Orchestration is captured by the SWF process technology.

The following listing shows the description structure of SWF Services. Although completely described WSMO Web Services can be supported, only a subset of the description information are used in SWF:

this allows to specify a SWF Services description in a single file, with the structure defined in Listing below.

Listing. Service Description
entity webService
      nonFunctionalProperties ofType  wsNonFunctionalProperties
      importOntologies ofTypeSet ontology
      usedMediators ofTypeSet {ooMediator, wgMediator}
      capability ofType capability
          preconditions ofTypeSet axiom 
          assumptions ofTypeSet axiom     
          postconditions ofTypeSet axiom
          effects ofTypeSet axiom
      choreographyinterface ofType choreography

Mediators are used as to connect SWF components and resolve ouccuring heterogeneity. Therefore, WSMO Mediators are used. Development of mediation facilities is not addressed within SWF. Mediators used in SWF are WSMO Mediators, therefore described as WSMO Mediators with the Mediator description specification defined in WSMO Standard.

Listing. Mediator Description
entity mediator 
      nonFunctionalProperties ofType nonFunctionalProperties
      importOntologies ofTypeSet ontology
      source ofTypeSet {ontology, goal, webService, mediator}
      target ofType {ontology, goal, webService, mediator}
      mediationService ofType {goal, webService, wwMediator}

entity ooMediator subEntityOf mediator
      source ofTypeSet {ontology, ooMediator}

entity ggMediator subEntityOf mediator
      usedMediators ofTypeSet ooMediator
      source ofTypeSet {goal, ggMediator}
      target ofType {goal, ggMediator}

entity wgMediator subEntityOf mediator
      usedMediators ofTypeSet ooMediator
      source ofType {webService, wgMediator}
      target ofType {goal, ggMediator}

entity wwMediator subEntityOf mediator
      usedMediators ofTypeSet ooMediator
      source ofType {webService, wwMediator}
      target ofType {webService, wwMediator}


SWF Repository is an UDDI registry which holds all SWF components, apart form Freds. It realizes a hybrid architecture in order to combines the benefits of central and peer-to-peer repositories. Therein, the non-functional properties of each component are mapped to equivalent UDDI information types and are stored centrally in the registry, while the detailed semantic descriptions are kept locally in a persistent repository at the respective owner. Publishing and retrieval is supported by the regular UDDI functionalities.
In order to support interchangeability, the SWF component repository is aligned with the WSMO Registry which has the same architecture [Herzog et al., 2004]. For concurrent publishing, SWF component descriptions are transformed into the corresponding WSMO component description, facilitated by the fact that the SWF uses WSML as the component description language.

2. Use Case Overview

The use case specified in this document is settled in the domain of purchasing furniture. In an SWF-enabled virtual, agent-based B2C marketplace, there are several Buyers that want to purchase pieces of furniture as well as Sellers that want to sell furniture. The marketplace has a national cover for Austria. The marketplace is realized in SWF, and all relevant SWF components are available in the system. This section explains the overall setting of the use case, and specifies the conceptual structure of the distinct SWF components as well as their interdependencies. The related models of each component are provided in Section 3.

The use case is designed with the intention to test, validate and demonstrate the SWF Mechansims for establishing cooperations between Freds for cooperative goal resolution. Therefore, we define different Goal Templates, Cooperative Goals, and SWF Services for buyers and sellers with regard to specific match-making scenarios within the distinct SWF Discoveres. The following explains the design of the specific SWF components in the use case.

2.1 Ontology

With regard to the basic design principle of modularized ontologies, we define three separate domain ontologies as the the terminology definitions for the use case. The following specifies the scope and the structure of the ontontologies.

2.1.1 Furnishing Ontology

This ontology describes the domain of furnitures as ususally can be found within rooms, and the relation between furniture and rooms; pieces of furniture are bought and sold by the participants of the virtual marketplace. The conceptual structure of this ontology is the following:

2.1.2 Marketplace Ontology

This ontology contains all notions concerned with buyers and sellers as participants of the virtual marketplace, products, purchasing, payment and delivery. The markeplace ontology is inspired by the Purchase Ontology defined in [WSMO Use Case]; that Purchase Ontology is based on RosettaNet, thus concerned with B2B purchase orders. In constrast, the Marketplace Ontology is concerned with B2C purchasing; thus, we do not import the Purchase Ontology, but re-use some modelling constructs. The main building blocks of the Marketplace Ontology are:

2.1.3 Location Ontology

This ontology describes locations and addresses with special regard to postal addresses in Austria (as the SWF virtual markeplace is settled in Austria). We use the Location Ontology as specified in [WSMO Use Case] with minor changes. The main contructs of this ontology are:

2.2 Goal Templates

The following specifies a set of pre-defined SWF Goal Templates whereof SWF Goal Instances can be created by marketplace participants and assigned to their distinct Freds. We define only a few Goal Templates in order to support the general desires a marketplace participant can have; when creating a Goal Instance, the notions defined in the Goal Template can be arbitrarily refined.

2.2.1 Buyer Goal Templates

It is assumed that the Buyers in the marketplace are private individuals that want to buy pieces of furniture.

Buyer Goal Template 1:

Buyer Goal Template 2 (small revision of Buyer Goal Template 1):

Buyer Goal Template 3:

Buyer Goal Template 4:

2.2.2 Seller Goal Templates

It is assumed that there 2 types of sellers in the marketplace:

  1. comercial stores that provide serveral types of furniture and want to sell these
  2. private sellers that want to sell specific pieces of furniture

Seller Goal Template 1:

Seller Goal Template 2:

Seller Goal Template 3:

2.3 Cooperative Goals

according to the structure of the Goal Templates defined above, we specify the following Cooperative Goals. The Cooperative Goals in this Use Case consist of 2 compatible Goal Templates only: one Buyer Goal Template and one Seller Goal Template, as a Buyer and a Seller have to interact in order to resolve their respective Goals. In general, a Cooperative Goal can specify multiple compatible Goal Templates, when multi-party collaborations are needed to resolve individual Goals in a cooperative manner.

Cooperative Goal 1:
  * Buyer Goal Template 1
  * Seller Goal Template 1

Cooperative Goal 2:
  * Buyer Goal Template 2
  * Seller Goal Template 1

Cooperative Goal 3:
  * Buyer Goal Template 2
  * Seller Goal Template 3

Cooperative Goal 4:
  * Buyer Goal Template 3
  * Seller Goal Template 2

Cooperative Goal 5:
  * Buyer Goal Template 4
  * Seller Goal Template 3

2.4 Services

The following specifies services for Buyers and Sellers in the marketplace. These are assumed to be pre-defined in the marketplace.

For specification of the Services in the following, we describe the overall functionality of the service in natural lanuage, and specify the content of the service description elements. These specifications are modeled in WSML in Section 3.5.

2.4.1 Buyer Services

The Buyer Services are assumed to be provided by the marketplace owner. Each Fred in the marketplace that is an electronic representative of a Buyer has usage permissions for these Services; services for buyers and sellers are distinguished in the serviceontology (see Section 3.5.1).

Buyer Service 1:


Buyer Service 2:


Buyer Service 3:

2.4.2 Seller Services

There are 3 furniture stores registered as sellers in the markeplace: "Leiner" and "Kika" which are Austrian based furniture stores, and IKEA as an international furniture store. These stores provide their own services, for which only the service provider himself has usage permissions (NOTE: these services are only imaginary services for testing and demonstrating; there are no real purchases performed in the system, and this use case does not effect or display any real-world settings). Additionally, there are some seller services provided by the marketplace owner, for which every Fred that represents a seller has usage permissions.

Seller Service "Leiner":


Seller Service "Kika":


Seller Service "IKEA":


Seller Service 1:


Seller Service 2:


Seller Service 3:


2.5 Mediators

Mediators in SWF are WSMO Mediators. We define the following Mediators in the Use Case, distinuished by the types of WSMO Mediators.

2.5.1 GG Mediators

With regard to the SWF Use Case resources defined above, we need 2 GG Mediators

GG Mediator 1:

GG Mediator 2:

2.6 Participants

The number of particpants in the use case, i.e. Freds registered and participating in the marketplace, is unlimited. Each Fred represents a participant which is either a buyer or seller; the Goal Instances that are assigned to a Fred are derived from the existing Goal Templates; a Buyer Fred has usage permissions for all Buyer Services existing in the system, and a Seller Fred has usage permissions for specific Seller Services.


3. Use Case Models

This section provides the models of the use case elements as specified in the previous section. All SWF components are defined in WSML-Core [WSML], which is used as the modeling language withi SWF. The defualt namespace for the resources of this usecase is:

3.1 Ontologies

As specified above, we define three modulraized ontologies as the terminology definitions for the use case:

  1. "Furnishing Ontology" describes the domain of furnitures as ususally can be found within houses
  2. "Marketplace Ontology" describes all ontology notions needed to describe elements concerning with products, purchasing contracts, buyers and seller, payment, and delivery in the virtual SWF marketplace
  3. "Location Ontology" describes locations (such as continents, countries and cities and their interrelation)

The ontologies specified in the following are intended to be "real ontologies" in the sense that they describe the specific domain as a shared conceptualization in a sufficient manner. Aspart from the Furnishing Ontology, we re-use the ontologies specified in the WSMO Deliverable D3.2 Use Case and Testing [WSMO Use Case] with some minor changes as needed for our specific use case.

Listing. Furniture Ontology (WSML file)
 * Furnishing Ontology
namespace <<>>
ontology <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Furniture Ontology (simplified)"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {"Furniture", "Dewelling", "Accessories", "Room"}
      dc:description hasValue "describes different types of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValues {"Michael Stollberg", "Ioan Toma"}
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
       * ontologies are modeled as WSMO Ontologies
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:coverage hasValue "project specific / general"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.9 $"

importedOntologies {<<>>}

The Furnishing ontology consists of 4 major sub-ontologies: 
            1. "Dwelling Ontology" 
            2. "Room Ontology"
            3. "Furniture Ontology"            
            4. "Accessories Ontology"                        

            Dwelling Ontology
 * concept definitions
//top concept for every kind of dwelling 

concept dwelling
            dc:description hasValue "general class - dwelling"
      hasRooms ofType xsd:boolean      

concept flat subConceptOf dwelling
            dc:description hasValue "flat subclass of dwelling"

concept apartment subConceptOf flat
            dc:description hasValue "apartment subclass of flat"
concept privateHouse subConceptOf dwelling
            dc:description hasValue "privateHouse subclass of dwelling"
            Room Ontology
 * concept definitions
//top concept for every kind of room
concept room
            dc:description hasValue "general class - room"
      height ofType xsd:integer
      sqm ofType xsd:float
      lengthOfWalls ofType set xsd:float
      numberOfWindows ofType xsd:integer
      numberOfDoors ofType xsd:integer
concept bathroom subConceptOf room      
            dc:description hasValue "bathroom subclass of room"
concept bedroom subConceptOf room      
            dc:description hasValue "bedroom subclass of room"

concept dinigroom subConceptOf room      
            dc:description hasValue "diningroom subclass of room"

concept livingroom subConceptOf room      
            dc:description hasValue "livingroom subclass of room"

concept homeOffice subConceptOf room      
            dc:description hasValue "homeOffice subclass of room"

concept kitchen subConceptOf room      
            dc:description hasValue "kitchen subclass of room"

            Furniture Ontology
 * concept definitions
//top concept for every kind of furniture
concept furniture
            dc:description hasValue "general class of furniture"
      name ofType xsd:string
      width ofType xsd:integer
      height ofType xsd:integer      
      depth ofType xsd:integer      
      manufacturer ofType manufacturer
      material ofType set material
      color ofType xsd:string      
//the entity who made the furniture; the seller concept is defined in SWFMO ontology       
concept manufacturer
            dc:description hasValue "furniture manufacturer"
      name ofType xsd:string
      address ofType loc:address
//the material the furniture is made off
concept material
            dc:description hasValue "material a piece of furniture is made of,
                                                            includes material-type and quality"
      type ofType xsd:string
      quality ofType xsd:integer

 * BED hierarchy
concept bed subConceptOf furniture
            dc:description hasValue "bed as a subclass of furniture"
      numberOfPersons ofType xsd:integer
concept singleBed subConceptOf bed
            dc:description hasValue "a bed for only one person"
      //restriction: only one person

concept doubleBed subConceptOf bed
            dc:description hasValue "a bed for two persons"
      //restriction: two person

concept kingSizeBed subConceptOf bed
            dc:description hasValue "a huge bed"

concept pencilePostBed subConceptOf bed
            dc:description hasValue "a bed with four slim posts; used alone or with a canopy"

concept storageFurniture subConceptOf furniture
            dc:description hasValue "kind of furniture used to store diferent thinghs"
      storageCapacity ofType xsd:float
 * CABINET hierarchy
concept cabinet subConceptOf storageFurniture
            dc:description hasValue "cabinet as a subclass of furniture"

concept fileCabinet subConceptOf cabinet
            dc:description hasValue "cabinet used to store documents in a office"
       * todo specify the realtion fileCabinet and homeOffice
 * CHEST hierarchy
concept chest subConceptOf storageFurniture
            dc:description hasValue "a box with a lid used especially for the safekeeping of belongings"

concept blanketChest subConceptOf chest
            dc:description hasValue "a chest used for general storage, usually kept in the bedroom"
       * todo specify the realtion between blanketChest and bedroom

concept coffer subConceptOf chest
            dc:description hasValue "multi-functional traveling chest with handles and a domed lid but without feet, usually made of oak"

concept commode subConceptOf chest
            dc:description hasValue "french term for a chest-of-drawers"

concept dresser subConceptOf chest
            dc:description hasValue "a low long chest of drawers used for storing clothes"

 * SHELF hierarchy
concept shelf subConceptOf storageFurniture
            dc:description hasValue "a long seat with back and arms"
concept bookshelf subConceptOf shelf
            dc:description hasValue "an open shelf for holding books"
      shelvsNumber ofType xsd:integer
      isFlexible ofType xsd:boolean

 * SEAT FURNITURE hierarchy
concept seat subConceptOf furniture
            dc:description hasValue "a seating accommodation"

 * CHAIR hierarchy
concept chair subConceptOf seat
            dc:description hasValue "chair as a subclass of furniture"
      numberOfLegs ofType xsd:integer
concept armChair subConceptOf chair
            dc:description hasValue "a chair with side structures to support the arms or elbows"

concept fauteuil subConceptOf armChair
            dc:description hasValue "a French term for an armchair"

concept gainsboroughChair subConceptOf armChair
            dc:description hasValue "deep armchair with an upholstered seat and back, padded open arms, and carved decoration"
concept seatRail subConceptOf chair
            dc:description hasValue "framework that supports the seat of a chair and holds the legs together"
concept sideChair subConceptOf chair
            dc:description hasValue "a chair without arms, designed to stand against a wall"

concept wingChair subConceptOf chair
            dc:description hasValue "a fully upholstered chair with wings at the sides to protect the sitter from drafts; also known as a 'wing-back'"

concept chaislounge subConceptOf chair //, sofa
            dc:description hasValue "long reclining chair/sofa"

concept stool subConceptOf chair
            dc:description hasValue "a chair without back and arms, supproted by three or four legsor by a central pedestral"
 * SOFA hierarchy
concept sofa subConceptOf seat
            dc:description hasValue "a long seat with back and arms"

concept clubSofa subConceptOf sofa
            dc:description hasValue "an upholstered piece of furniture whose arms are lower than its level back"

concept sectional subConceptOf sofa
            dc:description hasValue "a sofa that has several segments, which may be used in combination or separately to fit in a room"

concept camelbackSofa subConceptOf sofa
            dc:description hasValue "sofa style characterized by a large symetrical rise or 'hump' located on the back"

concept sofaBed subConceptOf sofa //, bed
            dc:description hasValue "a sofa that can be used as bed"
 * TABLE hierarchy
concept table subConceptOf furniture
            dc:description hasValue "table as a subclass of furniture"
      numberOfLegs ofType xsd:integer                                                                        

concept cocktailTable subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a table positioned in front of the major seating units which provides a surface for serving"

concept console subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a table intended to stand against a wall, between windows"

concept credenceTable subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a type of small table used for storing food before serving; generally a semi-circular table with a hinged top"

 * TABLE - DESK hierarchy
concept desk subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a table used for working"
       * todo specify the realtion between desk and homeOffice
concept bureau subConceptOf desk
            dc:description hasValue "a writing desk with a fall or cylinder front, enclosing a fitted interior, with drawers below"
       * todo specify the realtion between bureau and homeOffice
concept pedestalDesk subConceptOf desk
            dc:description hasValue "a flat desk, usually with a leather top, that stands on two banks of drawers"
 * TABLE hierarchy (cont.)
concept harvestTable subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a narrow rectangular table with hinged drop leaves"

concept huntboard subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a light, portable sideboard used for serving food and drinks"

concept pedestalTable subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a set of occasional tables that slide one beneath the other when not in use"
       * todo specify that has allways ONE leg

concept pembrokeTable subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a small two-flap table that stands on four legs"
       * todo specify that has allways FOUR legs
concept sofaTable subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a rectangular table with two hinged flaps at the ends designed to stand in front of a sofa"
       * todo specify the relation between this kind of table and soda concept
concept teapoy subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a small piece of freestanding furniture designed for holding tea"

concept tripodTable subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "a small table with a round top supported by a three-legged pillar, originally made for serving tea"
       * todo specify that has allways THREE legs
concept gatelegTable subConceptOf table
            dc:description hasValue "table with drop leaves and a movable leg, which can be swung into position to hold the leaf upright or retracted to allow the leaf to remain down"

 * Accessories Ontology
concept accessories 
            dc:description hasValue "general class of accesories"
      manufacturer ofType manufacturer
      material ofType set material
      color ofType xsd:string      
 * hygieneAccessories
concept hygieneAccessories subConceptOf accessories
            dc:description hasValue "hygiene accesories"
concept washingAccessories subConceptOf hygieneAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "washingAccesories subclass of hygieneAccessories"
      height ofType xsd:integer
      hasFilter ofType xsd:boolean

concept shower subConceptOf washingAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "shower subclass of washingAccesories"
      height ofType xsd:integer
      hasFilter ofType xsd:boolean
concept bathtube subConceptOf washingAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "bathtube subclass of washingAccesories"
      capacity ofType xsd:float

concept jacuzii subConceptOf bathtube
            dc:description hasValue "jacuzzi subclass of bathtube"
      hasSteam ofType xsd:boolean

concept toilet subConceptOf hygieneAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "toilet subclass of washingAccesories"

concept washingMachine subConceptOf hygieneAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "washingMachine subclass of washingAccesories"
concept dryer subConceptOf hygieneAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "dryer subclass of washingAccesories"

 * cookingAccessories
concept cookingAccessories subConceptOf accessories
            dc:description hasValue "cooking accesories"

concept kitchenSink subConceptOf cookingAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "kitchenSink subclass of cookingAccessories"
      numberOfBasins ofType xsd:integer                                                                         
concept oven subConceptOf cookingAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "oven subclass of cookingAccessories"
      energySource ofType energysource //electric, gas, dual
      maxTemperature ofType xsd:float
       * todo put an restriction that the temperature can not be less that 0 or more that 300 C
      hasSelfCleaning ofType xsd:boolean 
concept microwaveOven subConceptOf oven
            dc:description hasValue "microwaveoven subclass of oven"

concept dishwasher subConceptOf cookingAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "dishwasher subclass of cookingAccessories"

concept mixer subConceptOf cookingAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "mixer subclass of cookingAccessories"

concept toaster subConceptOf cookingAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "toaster subclass of cookingAccessories"

concept cookingRecipient subConceptOf cookingAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "cookingRecipient subclass of cookingAccessories"
      volum ofType xsd:float
concept pot subConceptOf cookingRecipient
            dc:description hasValue "pot subclass of cookingRecipient"

concept pan subConceptOf cookingRecipient
            dc:description hasValue "pan subclass of cookingRecipient"

 * lightingAccessories
concept lightingAccessories subConceptOf accessories
            dc:description hasValue "lighting accesories"

concept lamp subConceptOf lightingAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "lamp subclass of lightingAccessories"
      power ofType xsd:integer                              //measure the consum (watt)
      brightness ofType xsd:integer             //measure the brightness (lumen) 
concept floorLamp subConceptOf lamp
            dc:description hasValue "foorLamp subclass of lamp"

concept ceilingLamp subConceptOf lamp
            dc:description hasValue "ceilingLamp subclass of lamp"

concept tableLamp subConceptOf lamp
            dc:description hasValue "tableLamp subclass of lamp"

concept wallLamp subConceptOf lamp
            dc:description hasValue "wallLamp subclass of lamp"

 * communicationAccessories
concept communicationAccessories subConceptOf accessories
            dc:description hasValue "communication accesories"

concept phone subConceptOf communicationAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "phone subclass of communicationAccessories"
      number ofType xsd:string

concept mobilephone subConceptOf phone
            dc:description hasValue "mobilephone subclass of phone"
concept fax subConceptOf communicationAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "fax subclass of communicationAccessories"
      number ofType xsd:string 

 * entertainmentAccessories
concept entertainmentAccessories subConceptOf accessories
            dc:description hasValue "entertainment accesories"

concept televisor subConceptOf entertainmentAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "televisor subclass of      accesories"
      isColor ofType xsd:boolean
      diagonal ofType xsd:float

concept radio subConceptOf entertainmentAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "radio subclass of      accesories"

 * realtions definitions 

 * R2F - room2furniture relations
relation room2furniture       
            dc:description hasValue "general relation between a room and the furniture that might be in the room"             
      paramRoom ofType room
      paramFurniture ofType furniture

 * bathroom2furniture
relation bathroom2furniture
            dc:description hasValue "relation between bathroom and the furniture that might be in the bathroom"             
      paramBathroom ofType bathroom
      paramFurniture ofType bathroomFurniture
concept bathroomFurniture
            dc:description hasValue "set of furniture that can be found in the bathroom"             
      shelf ofType shelf
      cabinet ofType cabinet
      stool ofType stool 

 * bedroom2furniture
relation bedroom2furniture
            dc:description hasValue "relation between bedroom and the furniture that might be in the bedroom"             
      paramBedroom ofType bedroom
      paramFurniture ofType bedroomFurniture

concept bedroomFurniture
            dc:description hasValue "set of furniture that can be found in the bedroom"             
      shelf ofType shelf
      bed ofType bed

 * dinigroom2furniture
relation dinigroom2furniture
            dc:description hasValue "relation between dinigroom and the furniture that might be in the dinigroom"             
      paramDinigroom ofType dinigroom
      paramFurniture ofType diningroomFurniture
concept diningroomFurniture
            dc:description hasValue "set of furniture that can be found in the diningroom"             
      table ofType table
      chair ofType chair

 * livingroom2furniture
relation livingroom2furniture
            dc:description hasValue "relation between livingroom and the furniture that might be in the livingroom"             
      paramLivingroom ofType livingroom
      paramFurniture ofType livingroomFurniture

concept livingroomFurniture
            dc:description hasValue "set of furniture that can be found in the livingroom"             
      table ofType table
      sofa ofType sofa

 * homeOffice2furniture
relation homeOffice2furniture
            dc:description hasValue "relation between homeOffice and the furniture that might be in the homeOffice"             
      paramHomeOffice ofType homeOffice
      paramFurniture ofType homeOfficeFurniture

concept homeOfficeFurniture
            dc:description hasValue "set of furniture that can be found in the home office"             
      desk ofType desk      
      chair ofType chair

 * kitchen2furniture
relation kitchen2furniture
            dc:description hasValue "relation between kitchen and the furniture that might be in the kitchen"             
      paramKitchen ofType kitchen
      paramFurniture ofType kitchenFurniture

concept kitchenFurniture
            dc:description hasValue "set of furniture that can be found in the kitchen"             
      table ofType table      
      shelf ofType shelf

 * R2A - room2accessories relations
relation room2accessories       
            dc:description hasValue "general relation between a room and the accessories that might be in the room"             
      paramRoom ofType room
      paramAccessories ofType accessories

 * bathroom2accessories
relation bathroom2accessories
            dc:description hasValue "relation between bathroom and the accessories that might be in the bathroom"             
      paramBathroom ofType bathroom
      paramAccessories ofType bathroomAccessories
concept bathroomAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "set of accessories that can be found in the bathroom"             
      toilet ofType toliet
      washingAccessories ofType washingAccessories
      lightingAccessories ofType lightingAccessories

 * bedroom2accessories
relation bedroom2accessories
            dc:description hasValue "relation between bedroom and the accessories that might be in the bedroom"             
      paramBedroom ofType bedroom
      paramAccessories ofType bedroomAccessories

concept bedroomAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "set of accessories that can be found in the bedroom"             
      lightingAccessories ofType lightingAccessories

 * dinigroom2accessories
relation dinigroom2accessories
            dc:description hasValue "relation between dinigroom and the accessories that might be in the dinigroom"             
      paramDinigroom ofType dinigroom
      paramAccessories ofType diningroomAccessories
concept diningroomAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "set of accessories that can be found in the diningroom"             
      lightingAccessories ofType lightingAccessories

 * livingroom2Accessories
relation livingroom2accessories
            dc:description hasValue "relation between livingroom and the accessories that might be in the livingroom"             
      paramLivingroom ofType livingroom
      paramAccessories ofType livingroomAccessories

concept livingroomAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "set of accessories that can be found in the livingroom"             
      lightingAccessories ofType lightingAccessories 
      entertainmentAccessories ofType entertainmentAccessories 

 * homeOffice2accessories
relation homeOffice2accessories
            dc:description hasValue "relation between homeOffice and the accessories that might be in the homeOffice"             
      paramHomeOffice ofType homeOffice
      paramAccessories ofType homeOfficeAccessories

concept homeOfficeAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "set of accessories that can be found in the home office"             
      lamp ofType lamp
      communicationAccessories ofType communicationAccessories
 * kitchen2accessories
relation kitchen2accessories
            dc:description hasValue "relation between kitchen and the accessories that might be in the kitchen"             
      paramKitchen ofType kitchen
      paramAccessories ofType kitchenAccessories

concept kitchenAccessories
            dc:description hasValue "set of accessories that can be found in the kitchen"             
      cookingAccessories ofType cookingAccessories

The "Marketplace Ontology" defines all aspects products, purchasing contracts, buyers and seller, payment, and delivery in the virtual SWF marketplace. This ontology is partially based on the Purchase Ontology developed in the WSMO Use Case, which is a generic ontology that specifies aspects around purchasing with regard to ebXML. However, this generic Purchase Ontology is far too complex for the purpose of our use case on the one hand, and, on the other, it misses certain aspects needed with the SWF markeplace. The Marketplace therefore restricts the Purchase Ontology [in fact, this should be done by an OO Mediator - to be defined later, when there is a specification of how to define OO Mediators in WSMO], and extends it by additional aspects needed in within the SWF Marketplace.

Listing. Marketplace Ontology (WSML file)
 * SWF Marketplace Ontology 
namespace <<>>

ontology <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "SWF Marketplace Ontology"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {"Marketplace Participants", "Buyer", "Seller", "Product", "Purchase", "Payment", "Delivery"}
      dc:description hasValue "describes notions concerned with purchasing in the SWF Marketplace"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
       * ontologies are modeled as WSMO Ontologies
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.7 $"

importedOntologies {

 * conceptDefinitions

 * Marketplace Participants 
 * defines buyers and sellers with their contact / shipping / billing addresses

concept marketplaceParticipant 
            dc:description hasValue "superconcept for all marketplace participants"
      marketplaceParticipantID ofType xsd:string
      name ofType xsd:string
      email ofType xsd:string 
      telephone ofType xsd:string
      fax ofType xsd:string

concept buyer subConceptOf marketplaceParticipant 
            dc:description hasValue "marketplace participant that wants to buy"
      billToAddress ofType loc:address
      shipToAddress ofType loc:address
      hasPaymentMethod ofType set paymentMethod
concept seller subConceptOf marketplaceParticipant 
            dc:description hasValue "marketplace participant that wants to sell"
      contactAddress ofType loc:address
      acceptsPaymentMethod ofType set paymentMethod
concept company subConceptOf seller      
            dc:description hasValue "comcercial selling store"
      companyNumber ofType xsd:string
      website ofType xsd:string

concept privateSeller subConceptOf seller      
            dc:description hasValue "private seller"

 * Product 
 * defines properties of products in the marketplace
 * for this use case, products are piece of furniture

concept product 
            dc:description hasValue "product available for purchase (is a piece of furniture)"
      item ofType furn:furniture
      price ofType price
      provider ofType seller
concept price 
            dc:description hasValue "specifies monetary amount and currency of the price of a product.
             A price includes taxes. "
      amount ofType xsd:float 
      currency ofType currency 

concept currency 
            dc:description hasValue "currency definition in accordance to 
             when there is an OO Mediator existent, this will be used"
      name ofType xsd:string
      code ofType xsd:string
 * Purchase Contract
 * defines properties of a contract of purchase for a product between a buyer and a seller

concept purchaseContract
            dc:description hasValue "defines a contract of purchase for a product between a buyer and a seller. 
                  Establishing purchase contracts is the main functionality of the marketplace; a purchase contract 
                  is restricted to one seller and one buyer for one product."
      purchaseContractID ofType xsd:integer
      purchaseItem ofType product
      buyer ofType buyer
      seller ofType seller
      purchasePayment ofType paymentMethod
      contractDate ofType dt:date 

 * Payment 
 * defines different types of payment methods supported in the marketplace

concept paymentMethod
            dc:description hasValue "superconcept of payment methods"

concept creditCard subConceptOf paymentMethod
            dc:description hasValue "payment method credit card"
      type ofType creditCardType 
      number ofType xsd:string
      holder ofType xsd:string
      expMonth ofType dt:monthOfYear
      expYear ofType dt:year      

concept invoice subConceptOf paymentMethod
            dc:description hasValue "payment method invoice"
      invoiceNumber ofType xsd:string
      sellerAccount ofType account 
      dueDate ofType dt:date 

concept check subConceptOf paymentMethod
            dc:description hasValue "payment method check"
      checkNumber ofType xsd:integer 
      drawer ofType buyer 
      receiver ofType seller
      drawerAccount ofType account 

concept cash subConceptOf paymentMethod
            dc:description hasValue "payment method cash"
      payer ofType buyer 
      receiver ofType seller

// realted concepts

concept creditCardType 
            dc:description hasValue "specifies type of credit card"

concept account 
            dc:description hasValue "specifies a bank account"
      bank ofType bank
      owner ofType xsd:string
      accountNumber ofType xsd:integer
concept bank
            dc:description hasValue "specifies a bank (financial institute)"
      bankName ofType xsd:string
      bankAddress ofType loc:address
      bankIdentifierCode ofType xsd:string

 * Delivery
 * defines different types of delivery methods supported in the marketplace

concept delivery
            dc:description hasValue "superconcept of delivery methods. 
                  delivery is a main function of the marketplace in addition to purchase contracting."
      deliveryItem ofType product

concept dropShip subConceptOf delivery
            dc:description hasValue "delivery directly to the buyer shipping address by a delivery service"
      sender ofType seller
      receiver ofType buyer
      carrier ofType dropShipCarrier
concept selfCollection subConceptOf delivery
            dc:description hasValue "buyer collects purchased "

// additional concepts

concept dropShipCarrier 
            dc:description hasValue "a company that provides a drop ship delivery service"
      name ofType xsd:string
      companyNumber ofType xsd:string
      contactaddress ofType loc:address
      transportBy ofType transportationMean
      deliveryCoverage ofType loc:location 

concept transportationMean 
            dc:description hasValue "mean of transportation used by a drop ship delivery service"

The Location Ontology specified within the WSMO Use is also a general Ontology for describing locations. We use this ontology in our use case without any changes. Just for completeness of the use cas emodels and for ease of use, the following Listing shows the ontology.

Listing. Location Ontology (WSML file)
 * Location Ontology 
namespace <<>>

ontology <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Location"
      dc:creator hasValue "DERI International"
      dc:subject hasValues {"Location", "Country", "State", "City", "Address"}
      dc:description hasValue "describes notions of location and postal addresses with special focus on Austria"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Ruben Lara, Axel Polleres, Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
       * ontologies are modeled as WSMO Ontologies
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "general, specfically Austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.6 $"

importedOntologies {<<>>}
 * NOTE: in the following, we provide the the subset of ontological notions defined in the 
 * Location Ontology defined in the WSMO Use Case that will be used for modelling notions of 
 * location and address within the SWF USe Case 

      concept location 
                  dc:description hasValue "superconcept for all notions of spatial locations"
                  dc:realtion hasValues {<<wsmoloc:location>>}
      concept geographicalLocation subConceptOf location 
                  dc:description hasValue "general notion of a geographical location"
                  dc:realtion hasValues {<<wsmoloc:geographicalLocation>>}
            name ofType xsd:string 
            longitude ofType wsmoloc:longitude
                  comment: defined in
            latitude ofType wsmoloc:latitude
                  comment: defined in

      concept continent subConceptOf geographicalLocation 
      concept country subConceptOf geographicalLocation
                  dc:description hasValue "describes a country"
                  dc:relation hasValues {<<wsmoloc:country>>}
            inContinent ofType continent 
            population ofType xsd:integer
            extension ofType xsd:integer
            isoCode ofType xsd:string
                  comment: this specifies the ISO 3166 Country Code

      concept state subConceptOf geographicalLocation
                  dc:description hasValue "a state, especially to describe countries in Austria"
                  dc:relation hasValues {<<wsmoloc:state>>}
            inCountry ofType country 
            population ofType xsd:integer
            extension ofType xsd:integer

      concept city subConceptOf geographicalLocation
                  dc:description hasValue "City"
            inCountry ofType contry 
            inState ofType state 
      concept address subConceptOf ad:address
                  dc:description hasValue "Extended address, adding more details to
                        city, state and country"
            street ofType xsd:string
            number ofType xsd:string
            city ofType city 
            zip ofType xsd:integer            


3.2 Goal Templates

The following specfies pre-defined Goal Templates for buyers and sellers as described above.

3.2.1 Buyer Goal Templates

Listing. Buyer Goal Template 1 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Goal Template 1

namespace <<>>
goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Goal Template 1"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:dropShip, swfmo:creditCard}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Template for buying one piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.1 $"

importedOntologies {
comment: no mediators are used

 axiom bgs1Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for a buyer for a specific piece of furniture, payment by creditcard" 
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and 
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                        billToAddress hasValue ?Address,
                        shipToAddress hasValue ?Address,
                        hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?CreditCard}
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?Address(?Address[
                        city.inCountry hasValue austria
            ] memberOf loc:address) and 
            exists ?CreditCard(?CreditCard memberOf swfmo:creditCard) and 
                  purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                  purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem,
                  buyer hasValue ?Buyer,
                  purchasePayment hasValue ?CreditCard
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom bgs1Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific shipping address in Austria" 
            exists ?Item(?Item memberOf swfmo:product) and
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                   shipToAddress hasValue ?Address
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?Address(?Address[
                  city.inCountry hasValue austria
            ] memberOf loc:address) and 
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item,
                   receiver hasValue ?Buyer 
            ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip .      

Listing. Buyer Goal Template 2 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Goal Template 2

namespace <<>>
goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Goal Template 2"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:dropShip}
      dc:description hasValue "buying a single piece of furniture with any payment method"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.2 $"

importedOntologies {

comment: no mediators are used

 axiom bgs2Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for a specific piece of furniture, payment by any payment method"
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and 
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                  provider hasValue ?Seller
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                        billToAddress hasValue ?Address,
                        shipToAddress hasValue ?Address,
                        hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?Address(?Address[
                        city.inCountry hasValue austria
            ] memberOf loc:address) and 
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                  purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                  purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem,
                  buyer hasValue ?Buyer,
                  purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom bgs2Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific 
                   buyer shipping address in Austria, or self collection by the buyer"
            exists ?Item(?Item memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?Buyer(Buyer[
                  shipToAddress hasValue ?BuyerAddress
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?BuyerAddress(?BuyerAddress[
                  city.inCountry hasValue austria
            ] memberOf loc:address) and 
            exists ?Carrier(?Carrier[
                  deliverCoverage hasValue austria
            ] memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier) and      
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item, 
                   receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                   carrier hasValue ?Carrier
                   ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
       ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .

Listing. Buyer Goal Template 3 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Goal Template 3

namespace <<>>

goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Goal Template 3"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:product, furn:furniture}
      dc:description hasValue "get detailed product information for a specific piece of furniture without purchasing"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.2 $"


comment: no mediators are used

 axiom bgs3Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "product information for a specific piece of furniture 
                                    provided by a specific seller or seller group"
            exists ?FurnitureSearched(?FurnitureSearched memberOf furn:furniture) and
            exists ?Provider(?Provider memberOf swfmo:seller) and 
                   item hasValue ?FurnitureSearched,
                   provider hasValue ?Provider
             ] memberOf swfmo:product .
 axiom bgs3Effect
            dc:description hasValue "no effect"
       ?X .
comment: this means there is no effect - however this is modelled in the end. 

Listing. Buyer Goal Template 4 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Goal Template 4


goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Goal Template 4"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {furn:furniture, swfmo:purchase, swfmo:privateSeller, swfmo:delivery}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Template for buying one piece of furniture from a private seller"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.2 $"


comment: no mediators are used

 axiom bgs4Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for a specific piece of furniture with a private seller, payment by any payment method"
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and 
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                  provider hasValue ?PrivateSeller
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                        hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            exists ?PrivateSeller(?PrivateSeller[
                   acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?SellerPayment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:privateSeller) and 
            exists ?SellerPayment(?SellerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            ((?Payment) implies 
                        ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                        (?Payment memberOf ?SellerPayment))) 
                  purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                  purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem,
                  buyer hasValue ?Buyer,
                  seller hasValue ?PrivateSeller, 
                  purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom bgs4Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific shipping address in Austria"
       exists ?Item(?Item memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                        deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
            ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection .

3.2.2 Seller Goal Templates

Listing. Seller Goal Template 1 (WSML file)
 * Seller Goal Template 1

namespace <<>>
goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Goal Template 1"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:seller, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:dropShip}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Template for selling one piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

importedOntologies {

 axiom sgs1Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for a seller for a specific piece of furniture, payment by creditcard" 
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture, 
                  provider hasValue ?Seller
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and 
            exists ?Seller(?Seller[
                        contactAddress hasValue ?Address,
                        acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:seller) and 
            exists ?Address(?Address[
                        city.inCountry hasValue austria
            ] memberOf loc:address) and       
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                  purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                  purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem, 
                  seller hasValue ?Seller, 
                  purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom sgs1Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific shipping address in Austria" 
            exists ?Item(?Item memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?Seller(?Seller[
                  contactAddress hasValue ?ContactAddress 
            ] memberOf swfmo:seller) and 
            exists ?ContactAddress(?ContactAddress[      
                  city.inCountry hasValue austria
            ] memberOf loc:address) and 
            exists ?Buyer(Buyer[
                  shipToAddress hasValue ?BuyerAddress
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?BuyerAddress(?BuyerAddress[
                  city.inCountry hasValue austria
            ] memberOf loc:address) and 
            exists ?Carrier(?Carrier[
                  deliverCoverage hasValue austria
            ] memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier) and      
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item, 
                   sender hasValue ?Seller, 
                   receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                   carrier hasValue ?Carrier
             ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip
       ) or 
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                  ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .


Listing. Seller Goal Template 2 (WSML file)
 * Seller Goal Template 2

namespace <<>>

goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Goal Template 2"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:seller, swfmo:product, furn:furniture}
      dc:description hasValue "provide detailed product information for a specific piece of furniture without purchasing"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.2 $"

importedOntologies {

comment: no mediators are used

 axiom sgs2Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "provide information of all products offered in the marketplace"
            exists ?FurnitureSearched(?FurnitureSearched memberOf furn:furniture) and
            exists ?Provider(?Provider memberOf swfmo:seller) and 
                   item hasValue ?FurnitureSearched,
                   provider hasValue ?Provider
             ] memberOf swfmo:product .

 axiom sgs2Effect
            dc:description hasValue "no effect"
       ?X . 
comment: this means there is no effect - however this is modelled in the end. 


Listing. Seller Goal Template 3 (WSML file)
 * Seller Goal Template 3

namespace <<>>
goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Goal Template 3"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:privateSeller, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:selfCollection}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Template for a private seller for selling one piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.2 $"

importedOntologies {
comment: no mediators are used

 axiom sgs3Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for a seller for a specific piece of furniture, payment by creditcard" 
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture, 
                  provider hasValue ?PrivateSeller
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and 
            exists ?PrivateSeller(?PrivateSeller[
                        contactAddress hasValue ?Address,
                        acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:privateSeller) and 
            exists ?Address(?Address[
                        city.inCountry hasValue austria
            ] memberOf loc:address) and       
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                  purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                  purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem, 
                  seller hasValue ?PrivateSeller, 
                  purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom sgs3Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific shipping address in Austria" 
            exists ?Item(?Item memberOf swfmo:product) and      
                        deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
             ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection .

3.3 Cooperative Goals

This section specifies compatible Goal Templates in Cooperative Goals. Cooperative Goals are defined in an Ontology; the schema defines the description elements of Cooperative Goals, the instances specify the Cooperative Goals of this Use Case as defined above.

Listing. Cooperative Knowledge Ontology(WSML file)
 * SWF Use Case Cooperative Knowledge Ontology 

namespace <<>>

ontology <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "SWF Use Case Cooperative Knowledge Ontology "
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {"Goals", "compatible", "cooperation roles"}
      dc:description hasValue "describes the schema for cooperative goal knowledge to specify cooperative goals"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValues {"Reinhold Herzog", "Berhard Keimel", "Michael Stollberg"}
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-21"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
       * ontologies are modeled as WSMO Ontologies
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<ndCooperationKnowledge1.0.wsml>>}
      dc:coverage hasValue "project specific "
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.5 $"


concept cooperativeGoalGroup 
             dc:description hasValue "a cooperativeGoalGroup defines compatible Goal Schemas( that are Goal Schemas 
                        that potential cooperation partners can carry Goal Instances of), along with constraints which are modelled 
                        by WSMO GG Mediators in order to resolve mismatches between compatible Goal Schemas that are not compatible 
                        a priori."      
       hasCooperativeGoal ofType set Goal
       hasCooperativeGoalConstraint ofType set GGMediator

 * these are the Cooperative Goals defined in the SWF Use Case 

instance BuyerSellerCC memberOf cooperativeGoalGroup 
       hasCooperativeGoal hasValues {
       hasCooperativeGoalConstraint hasValues {

instance BuyerSellerGeneral memberOf cooperativeGoalGroup 
       hasCooperativeGoal hasValues {

instance BuyerSellerGeneralPrivate memberOf cooperativeGoalGroup 
       hasCooperativeGoal hasValues {

instance QueryFurniture memberOf cooperativeGoalGroup 
       hasCooperativeGoal hasValues {

instance BuyerSellerPrivate memberOf cooperativeGoalGroup 
       hasCooperativeGoal hasValues {


3.4 Goal Instances

The following specifies examples for Goal Instanaces for buyers and selllers which are assigned to Freds for automated resolution in the use case. Other Goal Instances can be created from the Goal Templates defined above.

For this Use Case, we only specify a few Goal Instances for every Goal Template described above, in order to showcase how Goal Instances look like. In the prototype implementation, Goal Instances are defined as WSMO Goals; the additional constructs defined for SWF Goal Instances are handled in the FRED Goal Instance technology.

The concrete data used in the Goal Instance definitions refer to the instances defined in the SWF Use Case Knowledge Base defined in Section 3.7

3.4.1 Buyer Goal Instances

Listing. Buyer Goal Instance 1 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Goal Instance 1
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals, 
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system 
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information 
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators; 
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions

namespace <<>>
goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Goal Instance 1"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:purchaseContract, swfmo:dropShip, swfmo:creditCard, kb:f6}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from Buyer Goal Template 1 for buying a chair"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-21"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: for the prototype, Goal Instances are described as WSMO Goals 
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
            comment: the value of the is specified as the Goal Template that the Goal Instance is a instance of 
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.4 $"

 * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects

submission bgi1Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be bought,
                              [2] buyer information (name, bill address in Europe, ship address in Austria, payment information),
                              [3] payment methods that the buyer has."
            // refers to f6 in SWF Use Case KB 
            instance PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:chair
                  height hasValue 90
                  material hasValues {wood}
                  color hasValue "red"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 

            instance MichaelStollberg memberOf swfmo:buyer
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "buyer1234"
                  name hasValue "Michael Stollberg"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6479"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  billToAddress hasValue MSAddress
                  shipToAddress hasValue MSAddress
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {MSCreditCard, MSCash}

            instance MSAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Technikerstrasse"
                  number hasValue "13"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance MSCreditCard memberOf swf:creditCard
                  type hasValue MasterCard
                  number hasValue "123456789"
                  holder hasValue "Michael Stollberg"
                  expMonth hasValue 08
                  expYear hasValue 2007


 axiom bgi1Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for the Buyer for a chair (f6 in SWF Use Case KB), payment by creditcard" 
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture[
                  height hasValue 90,
                  material hasValues {wood},
                  color hasValue "red",
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 
            ] memberOf furn:chair) and 
                  purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                  purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem,
                  buyer hasValue kb:MichaelStollberg,
                  purchasePayment hasValue kb:MSCreditCard
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .
 axiom bgi1Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific shipping address in Austria" 
            exists ?Item(?Item[
                   item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture 
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture[
                  height hasValue 90,
                  material hasValues {wood},
                  color hasValue "red",
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 
            ] memberOf furn:chair) and       
                        deliveryItem hasValue ?Item, 
                        receiver hasValue kb:MichaelStollberg 
            ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip .

Listing. Buyer Goal Instance 2 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Goal Instance 2
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals,
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators;
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions

namespace <<>>

goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Goal Instance 2"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:desk, swfmo:dropShip, swfmo:creditCard}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from Buyer Goal Template 2 for buying a bed"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-29"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: for the prototype, Goal Instances are described as WSMO Goals
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
            comment: the value of the is specified as the Goal Template that the Goal Instance is a instance of
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

 * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects

submission bgi2Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be bought,
                              [2] buyer information (name, bill address in Europe, ship address in Austria, payment information),
                              [3] payment methods that the buyer has."
            // refers to SWF Use Case KB f19, a double bed 
            instance PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:doubleBed
                  width hasValue 140
                  material hasValues {steel}
                  color hasValue "white"

            instance MichaelStollberg memberOf swfmo:buyer
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "buyer1234"
                  name hasValue "Michael Stollberg"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6479"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  billToAddress hasValue MSAddress
                  shipToAddress hasValue MSAddress
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {MSCreditCard, MSCash}

            instance MSAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Technikerstrasse"
                  number hasValue "13"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance MSCreditCard memberOf swf:creditCard
                  type hasValue MasterCard
                  number hasValue "123456789"
                  holder hasValue "Michael Stollberg"
                  expMonth hasValue 08
                  expYear hasValue 2007
            instance MSCash memberOf swfmo:cash
                  payer hasValue MichaelStollberg


 axiom bgi2Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for the Buyer for a specific piece of furniture, payment by creditcard"
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture[
                  width hasValue 140,
                  material hasValues {steel},
                  color hasValue "white"
            ] memberOf furn:doubleBed) and 
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            (?Payment implies (?Payment=kb:MSCreditCard or ?Payment=kb:MSCash)) and 
                  purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,            
                  purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem,
                  buyer hasValue kb:MichaelStollberg,
                  purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom bgi2Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific shipping address in Austria, 
                  or self collection by the purchaser "
            exists ?Item(?Item[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture[
                  width hasValue 140,
                  material hasValues {steel},
                  color hasValue "white"
            ] memberOf furn:doubleBed) and 
                        deliveryItem hasValue ?Item,
                        receiver hasValue kb:MichaelStollberg
                  ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip) 
                        deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                   ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .

Listing. Buyer Goal Instance 3 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Goal Instance 3
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals,
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators;
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions

namespace <<>>

goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Goal Instance 3"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:product, furn:storageFurniture}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from Buyer Goal Template 3 for gathering product information 
                  about storage furniture, offered by all sellers in the marketplace"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-30"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: for the prototype, Goal Instances are described as WSMO Goals
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
            comment: the value of the is specified as the Goal Template that the Goal Instance is a instance of
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

 * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects

submission bgi3Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a type of furniture product information is required for, 
                              [2] the buyer who is requesting information,
                              [3] the seller of type of sellers that product infomration is requested for"
            instance FurnitureSearched memberOf furn:storageFurniture
                  material hasValues {wood}

            instance DieterFensel memberOf swfmo:buyer
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "buyer65245"
                  name hasValue "Dieter Fensel"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6488"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  billToAddress hasValue DFAddress
                  shipToAddress hasValue DFAddress

            instance DFAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Technikerstrasse"
                  number hasValue "13"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020


 axiom bgi3Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for the Buyer for a specific piece of furniture, payment by creditcard"
       exists ?FurnitureSearched(?FurnitureSearched[
                  material hasValues {wood}             
       ] memberOf furn:storageFurniture) and 
       exists ?Seller(?Seller memberOf swfmo:seller) and 
             item hasValue ?FurnitureSearched,
             provider hasValue ?Seller
       ] memberOf swfmo:product .

 axiom bgi3Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific shipping address in Austria"
       ?X .
comment: means there isnt an effect 

Listing. Buyer Goal Instance 4 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Goal Instance 4
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals,
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators;
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions

namespace <<>>

goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Goal Instance 1"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:purchaseContract, swfmo:paymentMethod, kb:f5, swfmo:dropShip}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from Buyer Goal Template 4 for buying a bookshelf"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-29"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: for the prototype, Goal Instances are described as WSMO Goals
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
            comment: the value of the is specified as the Goal Template that the Goal Instance is a instance of
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

 * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects

submission bgi4Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be bought,
                              [2] buyer information (name, bill address in Europe, ship address in Austria, payment information),
                              [3] payment methods that the buyer has."
            // refers to SWF Use Case KB f5, a book shelf offered as product by a private seller
            instance PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:bookShelf            
                  depth hasValue 110
                  width hasValue 30
                  material hasValues {wood}
                  isFlexible hasValue false

            instance IoanToma memberOf swfmo:buyer
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "buyer9876"
                  name hasValue "Ioan Toma"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6461"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  billToAddress hasValue ITAddress
                  shipToAddress hasValue ITAddress
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {ITCreditCard, ITCash, ITCheck}

            instance ITAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Technikerstrasse"
                  number hasValue "13"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance ITCreditCard memberOf swfmo:creditCard
                  type hasValue Visa
                  number hasValue "237671"
                  holder hasValue "Ioan Toma"
                  expMonth hasValue 06
                  expYear hasValue 2006

            instance ITCash memberOf swfmo:cash
                  payer hasValue IoanToma

            instance ITCheck memberOf swfmo:check
                  drawer hasValue IoanToma
                  drawerAccount hasValue ITAccount 
            instance ITAccount memberOf swfmo:account 
                  bank hasValue HypoTirol
                  owner hasValue "Ioan Toma"
                  accountNumber hasValue      17111345

 axiom bgi4Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for the Buyer for a specific piece of furniture, payment by creditcard"
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture, 
                  provider hasValue ?PrivateSeller
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture[
                  depth hasValue 110,
                  width hasValue 30,
                  material hasValues {wood},
                  isFlexible hasValue false             
            ] memberOf furn:bookShelf) and 
            exists ?PrivateSeller(?PrivateSeller memberOf swfmo:privateSeller) and      
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            (?Payment implies (?Payment=kb:ITCreditCard
                        or ?Payment=kb:ITCash
                        or ?Payment=kb:ITCheck) )
                  purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                  purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem,
                  buyer hasValue IoanToma,
                  seller hasValue ?PrivateSeller, 
                  purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract . 

 axiom bgi4Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific shipping address in Austria"
            exists ?Item(?Item[
                  item hasValue PurchaseFurniture,
                  provider hasValue ?PrivateSeller
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture[
                  depth hasValue 100,
                  width hasValue 30,
                  material hasValues {wood},
                  isFlexible hasValue false
            ] memberOf furn:bookShelf) and 
            exists ?PrivateSeller(?PrivateSeller memberOf swfmo:privateSeller) and      
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
            ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection .

3.4.2 Seller Goal Instances

The following defines Seller Goal Instances, thus Goals that sellers in the marketplace assign to their Freds.

Listing. Seller Goal Instance 1 - for IKEA (WSML file)
 * Seller Goal Instance 1 (for IKEA)
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals, 
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system 
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information 
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators; 
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions

namespace <<>>
goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Goal Instance 1"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {kb:IKEA, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery, swfmo:paymentMethod}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from private IKEA as a seller for selling a piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-21"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

      * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects
submission sgi1Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold,
                              [2] IKEA information as a seller,
                              [3] payment methods that IKEA accepts
                              [4] the IKEA Drop Ship Delivery Service."
            comment: all products with provider = IKEA are considered 
            instance IKEA memberOf swfmo:company 
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "sellerIKEA"
                  name hasValue "IKEA"
                  email hasValue "" 
                  telephone hasValue "+43-1-123456"
                  fax hasValue "+43-1-123456"
                  contactAddress hasValue IKEAAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {IKEACreditCard, IKEAInvoice, IKEACash}
                  companyNumber hasValue "xyz"
                  website hasValue ""
            instance IKEAAddress memberOf loc:address 
                  street hasValue "am DEZ"
                  number hasValue "3"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020       

            instance IKEACreditCard memberOf swf:creditCard
                  type hasValue (MasterCard or Visa) 

            instance IKEAInvoice memberOf swf:invoice
                  receiver hasValue IKEA

            instance IKEACash memberOf swf:cash
                  receiver hasValue IKEA
            instance IKEADeliveryService memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier
                  name hasValue "IKEA Delivery Service"
                  companyNumber hasValue "IKEAds001"
                  contactaddress hasValue IKEAAddress
                  transportBy hasValue truck
                  deliveryCoverage hasValue austria 

 axiom sgi1Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for IKEA for a specific piece of furniture"
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                  provider hasValue IKEA
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            ((?Payment) implies 
                   ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                        (?Payment memberOf IKEA.acceptsPaymentMethod))) 
                        purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                        purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem, 
                        buyer hasValue ?Buyer, 
                        seller hasValue IKEA,
                        purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom sgi1Effect
            dc:description hasValue "self collection of the sold piece of furniture by the buyer"
            exists ?Item(?Item[
                   provider hasValue IKEA
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
         hasValue austria
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item,
                   sender hasValue IKEA,
                   receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                   carrier hasValue IKEADeliveryService
             ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip
       ) or
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                  ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .


Listing. Seller Goal Instance 1.2 - for Leiner (WSML file)
 * Seller Goal Instance 1.2 (for Leiner) 
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals,
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators;
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions


goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Goal Instance 1.2"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {kb:LEINER, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery, swfmo:paymentMethod}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from private Leiner as a seller for selling a piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-21"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

      * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects

submission sgi12Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold,
                              [2] Leiner information as a seller,
                              [3] payment methods that Leiner accepts
                              [4] the Leiner Drop Ship Delivery Service."
       comment: all products with provider = IKEA are considered 

            instance LEINER memberOf swfmo:company
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "sellerLeiner"
                  name hasValue "Leiner"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-662-63970"
                  fax hasValue "+43-662-620843"
                  contactAddress hasValue LeinerAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {LeinerCreditCard, LeinerInvoice, LeinerCash}
                  companyNumber hasValue "abc"
                  website hasValue ""

            instance LeinerAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Alpenstraße"
                  number hasValue "1"
                  city hasValue salzburgStadt
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance LeinerCreditCard memberOf swf:creditCard
                  type hasValue (MasterCard or Visa)

            instance LeinerInvoice memberOf swf:invoice
                  receiver hasValue Leiner

            instance LeinerCash memberOf swf:cash
                  receiver hasValue Leiner

            instance LeinerDeliveryService memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier
                  name hasValue "Leiner Delivery Service"
                  companyNumber hasValue "Leinerds001"
                  contactaddress hasValue LeinerAddress
                  transportBy hasValue truck
                  deliveryCoverage hasValue austria

 axiom sgi12Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for Leiner for a specific piece of furniture"
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                  provider hasValue LEINER
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            ((?Payment) implies 
                   ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                        (?Payment memberOf LEINER.acceptsPaymentMethod))) 
                        purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                        purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem, 
                        buyer hasValue ?Buyer, 
                        seller hasValue LEINER,
                        purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom sgi12Effect
            dc:description hasValue "self collection of the sold piece of furniture by the buyer"
            exists ?Item(?Item[
                   provider hasValue LEINER
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
         hasValue austria
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item,
                   sender hasValue LEINER,
                   receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                   carrier hasValue LeinerDeliveryService
             ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip
       ) or
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                  ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .


Listing. Seller Goal Instance 1.3 - for Kika (WSML file)
 * Seller Goal Instance 1.3
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals,
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators;
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions


goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Goal Instance 1.3"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:company, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery, swfmo:paymentMethod}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from private Kika as a seller for selling a piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-21"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

      * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects

submission sgi13Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold,
                              [2] Kika information as a seller,
                              [3] payment methods that Kika accepts
                              [4] the Kika Drop Ship Delivery Service."
            instance Kika memberOf swfmo:company
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "sellerKika"
                  name hasValue "Kika"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-1-2033539"
                  fax hasValue "+43-1-2033539"
                  contactAddress hasValue KikaAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {KikaCreditCard, KikaInvoice, KikaCash}
                  companyNumber hasValue "kika"
                  website hasValue ""

            instance KikaAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Donaustadtstraße"
                  number hasValue "1"
                  city hasValue wienStadt
                  zip hasValue 1220

            instance KikaCreditCard memberOf swf:creditCard
                  type hasValue (MasterCard or Visa)

            instance KikaInvoice memberOf swf:invoice
                  receiver hasValue Kika

            instance KikaCash memberOf swf:cash
                  receiver hasValue Kika

            instance KikaDeliveryService memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier
                  name hasValue "Kika Delivery Service"
                  companyNumber hasValue "Kikads001"
                  contactaddress hasValue KikaAddress
                  transportBy hasValue truck
                  deliveryCoverage hasValue austria

 axiom sgi13Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for Kika for a specific piece of furniture"
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                  provider hasValue KIKA
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and
            exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            ((?Payment) implies 
                   ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                        (?Payment memberOf KIKA.acceptsPaymentMethod))) 
                        purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                        purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem, 
                        buyer hasValue ?Buyer, 
                        seller hasValue KIKA,
                        purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom sgi13Effect
            dc:description hasValue "self collection of the sold piece of furniture by the buyer"
            exists ?Item(?Item[
                   provider hasValue KIKA
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
         hasValue austria
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item,
                   sender hasValue KIKA,
                   receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                   carrier hasValue GermanParcel
             ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip
       ) or
                   deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                  ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .


Listing. Seller Goal Instance 2 - providing product information (WSML file)
 * Seller Goal Instance 2
 * this is the goal instance to provide product information; it is unclear who is the owner of this: 
 * - if it is a single seller, then each seller needs such a Goal Instance with status open all the time 
 * - it could be the Marketplace Owner, with a permanent Goal to provide product information to the buyers
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals,
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators;
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions

namespace <<>>

goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Goal Instance 2"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:seller, swfmo:product, furn:furniture}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from Buyer Seller Template 2 for providing product information 
                  about all products available in the marketplace that have a specific type of furniture as sell item."
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-30"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: for the prototype, Goal Instances are described as WSMO Goals
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
            comment: the value of the is specified as the Goal Template that the Goal Instance is a instance of
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.2 $"

 * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects

submission sgi2Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a type of furniture product information is required for,
                              [2] the buyer who is requesting information,
                              [3] the seller of type of sellers that product infomration is requested for"
            instance FurnitureSearched memberOf furn:furniture

            instance aSeller memberOf swfmo:seller


 axiom sgi2Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for the Buyer for a specific piece of furniture, payment by creditcard"
       exists ?FurnitureSearched(?FurnitureSearched memberOf furn:furniture) and 
       exists ?Seller(?Seller memberOf swfmo:seller) and 
             item hasValue ?FurnitureSearched,
             provider hasValue ?Seller
       ] memberOf swfmo:product .

 axiom sgi2Effect
            dc:description hasValue "direct delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to a specific shipping address in Austria"
       ?X .

comment: means there isnt an effect


Listing. Seller Goal Instance 3 - for a Private Seller (WSML file)
 * Seller Goal Instance 3 (for Private Seller) 
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals, 
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system 
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information 
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators; 
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions

namespace <<>>
goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Goal Instance 2"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {kb:doubleBed, swfmo:privateSeller, swfmo:purchaseContract, swfmo:paymentMethod, swfmo:selfCollection}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from private seller for selling a double bed"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-21"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.2 $"

      * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects
submission sgi3Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold,
                              [2] private seller information (name, contact address in Austria),
                              [3] payment methods that the private seller accepts."
            // refers to SWF Use Case KB f19       
            instance SellFurniture memberOf furn:doubleBed
                  depth hasValue 200
                  width hasValue 140
                  material hasValues {steel, polyester}
                  color hasValue "white"

            instance UKProductPrice memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 50.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

            instance UKProduct memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue UKProduct 
                  price hasValue UKProductPrice
                  provider hasValue UweKeller
            instance UweKeller memberOf swfmo:privateSeller
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "seller9876"
                  name hasValue "Uwe Keller"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6468"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  billToAddress hasValue UKAddress
                  shipToAddress hasValue UKAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {UKCheck, UKCash}

            instance UKAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Goethestrasse"
                  number hasValue "10"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance UKCheck memberOf swfmo:check
                  receiver hasValue UweKeller 

            instance UKCash memberOf swfmo:cash
                  receiver hasValue UweKeller 

 axiom sgi3Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for the Prviate Seller for a specific piece of furniture"
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue kb:UKProduct,
                  provider hasValue kb:UweKeller
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            ((?Payment) implies 
                   ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                        (?Payment memberOf UweKeller.acceptsPaymentMethod))) 
                        purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                        purchaseItem hasValue kb:UKProduct, 
                        buyer hasValue ?Buyer, 
                        seller hasValue kb:UweKeller,
                        purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom sgi3Effect
            dc:description hasValue "self collection of the sold piece of furniture by the buyer"
                   deliveryItem hasValue kb:UKProduct
            ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection .


Listing. Seller Goal Instance 3.2 - for a Private Seller (WSML file)
 * Seller Goal Instance 3.2 (for Prviate Seller)
 * for the SWF prototype, Goal Instance are modelled as WSMO Goals,
 * and managed as 'Active WSMO Goals' in the system
 * the owner of a Goal Instance is defined in the corresponding FRED Goal Instance
 * the same holds for the status information
 * Goal Instances do not import ontologies or use mediators;
 * all domain terminology is inherited from the Goal Template
 * Goal Instance notions only refine (= no extensions) Goal Template notions


goal <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Goal Instance 3.2"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {kb:bookShelf, swfmo:privateSeller, swfmo:purchaseContract, swfmo:selfCollection, swfmo:creditCard}
      dc:description hasValue "Goal Instance from private seller for selling a book shelf"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-30"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

      * the notions of submission are now incorporated in the postcondontion and effects

submission sgi32Submission
            dc:description hasValue "the information to be submitted as input to a service are:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold,
                              [2] private seller information (name, contact address in Austria),
                              [3] payment methods that the private seller accepts."
            // refers to SWF Use Case KB f5
            instance aBookShelf memberOf furn:bookShelf
                  depth hasValue 110
                  width hasValue 30
                  material hasValues {wood}
                  color hasValue "brown"
                  shelvsNumber hasValue 5
                  isFlexible hasValue false

            instance MSBookShelfPrice memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 19.00
                  currency hasValue euro

            instance MSBookShelf memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue aBookShelf 
                  price hasValue MSBookShelfPrice 
                  provider hasValue MichaelStollbergSeller

            instance MichaelStollbergSeller memberOf swfmo:privateSeller
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "buyer1234"
                  name hasValue "Michael Stollberg"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6479"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  billToAddress hasValue MSSellerAddress
                  shipToAddress hasValue MSSellerAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {MSAccCheck, MSAccCash}

            instance MSSellerAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Landseestrasse"
                  number hasValue "3a"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance MSAccCheck memberOf swfmo:check
                  receiver hasValue MichaelStollbergSeller

            instance MSAccCash memberOf swfmo:cash
                  receiver hasValue MichaelStollbergSeller

 axiom sgi32Postcondition
            dc:description hasValue "a contract of purchase for the Private Seller for a specific piece of furniture"
            exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
            exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                  item hasValue kb:MSBookShelf,
                  provider hasValue kb:MichaelStollbergSeller
            ] memberOf swfmo:product) and
            exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
            ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
            exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
            ((?Payment) implies 
                   ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                        (?Payment memberOf MichaelStollbergSeller.acceptsPaymentMethod))) 
                        purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                        purchaseItem hasValue kb:MSBookShelf, 
                        buyer hasValue ?Buyer, 
                        seller hasValue kb:MichaelStollbergSeller,
                        purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
            ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

 axiom sgi32Effect
            dc:description hasValue "self collection of the sold piece of furniture by the buyer"
                   deliveryItem hasValue kb:MSBookShelf
            ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection .


3.5 Services

This section specifies the SWF services available virtual marketplace of the use case, as specified above.

3.5.1 Service Ontology

This ontology defines the classes of services used within the SWF Use Case, distingishing buyer- and seller services. This ontology is used within GS Discovery for ensuring that only buyerservices are detected for buyers, and only sellerservices for sellers. The reason for defining an ontology for this distinction and not to incorporate this into the matchmaking for GS Discovery is that the intended user client for a service is not related to the object of interest matchmaking - only the latter is considered for inference-based matchmaking. The rationale for this with further explanations is provided in

Listing. Service Ontology (WSML file)
 * SWF Use Case Service Ontology 
 * defines services classes, used to distingish buyer- / seller services 

namespace <<>>

ontology <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "SWF Use Case Service Ontology "
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {"Services", "services classes"}
      dc:description hasValue "defines classes of services, to distingish services for buyers / sellers"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValues {"Michael Stollberg", "Berhard Keimel"}
      dc:date hasValue "2004-10-18"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>}
      dc:coverage hasValue "project specific"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.2 $"


concept swfUseCaseService 
             dc:description hasValue "general concept for all SWF Services"      
       id ofType dc:identifier 
concept buyerservice subConceptOf swfUseCaseService 
             dc:description hasValue "concept of all buyer services"      

concept sellerservice subConceptOf swfUseCaseService 
             dc:description hasValue "concept of all seller services"      

 * these are the services defined in the SWF Use Case 

// Buyer Services 
instance buyerservice1 memberOf buyerservice 
       id hasValue <<>>

instance buyerservice2 memberOf buyerservice 
       id hasValue <<>>

instance buyerservice1 memberOf buyerservice 
       id hasValue <<>>

// Seller Services 
instance sellerservice1 memberOf sellerservice 
       id hasValue <<>>

instance sellerservice2 memberOf sellerservice 
       id hasValue <<>>

instance sellerservice3 memberOf sellerservice 
       id hasValue <<>>

instance sellerserviceIKEA memberOf sellerservice 
       id hasValue <<>>

instance sellerserviceKika memberOf sellerservice 
       id hasValue <<>>

instance sellerserviceLeiner memberOf sellerservice 
       id hasValue <<>>

3.5.2 Buyer Services

Listing. Buyer Service 1 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Service 1

namespace <<http://>>
webservice <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Service 1"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery}
      dc:description hasValue "general marketplace buyer service for purchasing one piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: SWF Services are modeled as WSMO Web Services
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "loc:austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.9 $"


capability bs1Capability
                  axiom bs1Precondition 
                              dc:description hasValue "required input is: 
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be bought, 
                              [2] buyer information (name, bill address in Europe, ship address in Austria, payment information),
                              [3] a payment method (types of payment methods are predefined in the ontology)."
                         ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                         and ?InputBuyer[
                               markeplaceParticipantID hasValue ?ID,
                               name hasValue ?X,
                               telephone hasValue ?Y,
                               fax hasValue ?Z, 
                               billToAddress hasValue ?BillToAddress,
                               shipToAddress hasValue ?ShipToAddress,
                               hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
                         ] memberOf swfmo:buyer 
                         and ?BillToAddress[      
                               city.inCountry hasValue austria
                         ] memberOf loc:address 
                         and ?ShipToAddress[      
                               city.inCountry hasValue austria
                         ] memberOf loc:address 
                         and ?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod .      

                  axiom bs1Assumption
                              dc:description hasValue "if payment method is credit card, the credit card has to be not expired"
                              (?BuyerCreditCard memberOf swfpo:creditCard) implies
                              (( < BuyerCreditCard.expYear) or
                                     (( = BuyerCreditCard.expYear) and
                                                      (( < BuyerCreditCard.expMonth) or
                                                       ( = BuyerCreditCard.expMonth))
                              ) . 

                  axiom bs1Postcondition 
                              dc:description hasValue "a contract a purchase for the piece of furniture 
                                    provided as input, with the buyer provided as input, and a payment method (
                                    all pre-defined payment methods are accepted)"
                              exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and 
                              exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                                    item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                                    provider hasValue ?Seller
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                              exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                                    billToAddress hasValue ?Address,
                                    shipToAddress hasValue ?Address,
                                    hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                              exists ?Address(?Address[
                                    city.inCountry hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf loc:address) and 
                              exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?Seller(?Seller[
                                    acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?SellerPayment}
                              ] memberOf furn:seller) and
                              exists ?SellerPayment(?SellerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              ((?Payment) implies 
                                     ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                                          (?Payment memberOf ?SellerPayment))) 
                                     purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                                     purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem,
                                     buyer hasValue ?Buyer,
                                     purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
                              ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

                  axiom bs1Effect 
                              dc:description hasValue "delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to 
                                    the shipping address of the buyer as specified in the input, or via 
                                    self collection by the buyer"
                              exists ?Item(?Item memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                              exists ?Buyer(Buyer[
                                    shipToAddress hasValue ?BuyerAddress
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                              exists ?BuyerAddress(?BuyerAddress[
                                    city.inCountry hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf loc:address) and 
                              exists ?Carrier(?Carrier[
                                    deliverCoverage hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier) and
                                    deliveryItem hasValue ?Item, 
                                    receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                                    carrier hasValue ?Carrier
                              ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip
                                    deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                              ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .

 interface bs1Interface
                  dc:description hasValue "defines the Choreography of Buyer Service 1"

Listing. Buyer Service 2 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Service 2

namespace <<http://>>

webservice <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Service 2"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:product, furn:furniture}
      dc:description hasValue "gathers product information for pieces of furniture offered in the market, 
             and returns them by email to the requester who is a buyer"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-30"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: SWF Services are modeled as WSMO Web Services
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "loc:austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.6 $"


capability bs2Capability
                  axiom bs2Precondition
                              dc:description hasValue "required input is:
                              [1] the piece of furniture that product information are requested for,
                              [2] buyer information (name, email-address),
                              [3] a seller of type of seller that should be the provider of the product."
                         ?Furniture memberOf furn:furniture
                         and ?InputBuyer[
                               name hasValue ?X,
                               email hasValue ?Y
                         ] memberOf swfmo:buyer
                         and ?Seller memberOf swfmo:seller .

                  axiom bs2Assumption
                              dc:description hasValue "the buyer has to be registered as marketplace participant"
                                    marketplaceParticipantID hasValue id
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer .

                  axiom bs2Postcondition
                              dc:description hasValue "product information for a specific piece of furniture 
                                    provided by a specific seller or seller group "
                              exists ?FurnitureSearched(?FurnitureSearched memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?Provider(?Provider memberOf swfmo:seller) and 
                                     item hasValue ?FurnitureSearched,
                                     provider hasValue ?Provider
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product .

                  axiom bs2Effect
                              dc:description hasValue "there is no effect"
                         ?X .
            comment: this means there is no effect - however this is modelled in the end. 

 interface bs2Interface
                  dc:description hasValue "defines the Choreography of Buyer Service 2"

Listing. Buyer Service 3 (WSML file)
 * Buyer Service 3

namespace <<http://>>

webservice <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "Buyer Service 3"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery}
      dc:description hasValue "general marketplace buyer service for purchasing one piece of 
             furniture from a private seller"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: SWF Services are modeled as WSMO Web Services
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "loc:austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.6 $"


capability bs3Capability
                  axiom bs1Precondition
                              dc:description hasValue "required input is:
                              [1] the piece of furniture to be bought,
                              [2] buyer information (name, payment information) 
                              [3] a payment method (types of payment methods are predefined in the ontology)."
                         ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                         and ?InputBuyer[
                               name hasValue ?X,
                               telephone hasValue ?Y,
                               fax hasValue ?Z,
                               hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
                         ] memberOf swfmo:buyer
                         and ?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod .

                  axiom bs3Assumption
                              dc:description hasValue "if payment method is credit card, the credit card has to be not expired"
                                     marketplaceParticipantID hasValue ?X, 
                                     productLine hasValues {?Y}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:privateSeller
                              and (?InputItem implies (?InputItem memberOf ?Y)) . 

                  axiom bs3Postcondition
                              dc:description hasValue "a contract a purchase for the piece of furniture
                                    provided as input, with the buyer provided as input, and a payment method (
                                    all pre-defined payment methods are accepted)"
                              exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and 
                              exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                                    item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                                    provider hasValue ?PrivateSeller
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                              exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                                    hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                              exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?PrivateSeller(?PrivateSeller[
                                    acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?SellerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:privateSeller) and 
                              exists ?SellerPayment(?SellerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              ((?Payment) implies 
                                     ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                                          (?Payment memberOf ?SellerPayment))) 
                              purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                              purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem,
                              buyer hasValue ?Buyer,
                              seller hasValue ?PrivateSeller, 
                              purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
                        ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

                  axiom bs3Effect
                              dc:description hasValue "delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to
                                    the shipping address of the buyer as specified in the input "
                               exists ?Item(?Item[
                                     item hasValue PurchaseFurniture,
                                     provider hasValue ?PrivateSeller
                               ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                              exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?PrivateSeller(?PrivateSeller memberOf swfmo:privateSeller) and      
                                          deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                                    ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection .

 interface bs3Interface
                  dc:description hasValue "defines the Choreography of Buyer Service 1"

3.5.3 Seller Services

Listing. Seller Service Leiner (WSML file)
 * Seller Service Leiner

namespace <<http://>>

webservice <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Service Leiner"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:seller, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery}
      dc:description hasValue "Leiner seller service for selling a piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: SWF Services are modeled as WSMO Web Services
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "loc:austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.6 $"

importedOntologies {

capability ssLeinerCapability
                  axiom ssLeinerPrecondition
                              dc:description hasValue "required input is:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold,
                              [2] Leiner information as seller (registered marketplace participant, located in Austria, accepted payment),
                              [3] possible payment for the purcahse contract is credit card or invoice."
                              ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                               and ?InputSeller[
                                     marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "IKEA",
                                     name hasValue "IKEA",
                                     telephone hasValue "1234",
                                     fax hasValue "1234",
                                     contactAddress hasValue IKEAAddress,
                                     acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
                               ] memberOf swfmo:company
                               and IKEAAddress memberOf loc:address
                               and ((?Payment memberOf swfmo:creditcard)
                                     or (?Payment memberOf swfmo:invoice)
                                     or (?Payment memberOf swfmo:cash)) .

                  axiom ssLeinerAssumption
                              dc:description hasValue "the desired piece of furniture has to be available as a product offered by the seller"
                                    item hasValue ?InputItem,
                                    provider hasValue Leiner
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product
                              and ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                              and Leiner memberOf swfmo:company .

                  axiom ssLeinerPostcondition
                              dc:description hasValue "returns a contract of purchase for a piece
                                     of furniture that fits the desire between a buyer and the seller
                                     provided as input, with accepted payments credit card or invoice. "
                              exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
                              exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                                    item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                                    provider hasValue LEINER
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and
                              exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                                    hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                              exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              ((?Payment) implies 
                                     ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                                          (?Payment memberOf LEINER.acceptsPaymentMethod))) 
                                     purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                                     purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem, 
                                     buyer hasValue ?Buyer, 
                                     seller hasValue LEINER,
                                     purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
                              ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

                  axiom ssLeinerEffect
                              dc:description hasValue "delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to
                                    the buyer shipping address specified in the input, or via self collection 
                                    by the buyer"
                              exists ?Item(?Item[
                                    provider hasValue LEINER
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                           hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                                    deliveryItem hasValue ?Item,
                                    sender hasValue LEINER,
                                    receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                                    carrier hasValue LeinerDeliveryService
                              ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip) 
                                     deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                              ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .

 interface ssLeinerInterface
                  dc:description hasValue "defines the Choreography of Seller Service 1"


Listing. Seller Service Kika (WSML file)
 * Seller Service Kika

namespace <<http://>>

webservice <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Service Kika"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:seller, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery}
      dc:description hasValue "Kika seller service for selling a piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: SWF Services are modeled as WSMO Web Services
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "loc:austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.6 $"

importedOntologies {

capability ssKikaCapability
                  axiom ssKikaPrecondition
                              dc:description hasValue "required input is:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold,
                              [2] Kika information as seller (registered marketplace participant, located in Austria, accepted payment),
                              [3] possible payment for the purcahse contract is credit card or invoice."
                              ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                               and ?InputSeller[
                                     marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "Kika",
                                     name hasValue "Kika",
                                     telephone hasValue "2345",
                                     fax hasValue "2345",
                                     contactAddress hasValue KikaAddress,
                                     acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
                               ] memberOf swfmo:company
                               and KikaAddress memberOf loc:address
                               and ((?Payment memberOf swfmo:creditcard)
                                     or (?Payment memberOf swfmo:invoice)
                                     or (?Payment memberOf swfmo:cash)) .

                  axiom ssKikaAssumption
                              dc:description hasValue "the desired piece of furniture has to be available as a product offered by the seller"
                                    item hasValue ?InputItem,
                                    provider hasValue Kika
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product
                              and ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                              and Kika memberOf swfmo:company .

                  axiom ssKikaPostcondition
                              dc:description hasValue "returns a contract of purchase for a piece
                                     of furniture that fits the desire between a buyer and the seller
                                     provided as input, with accepted payments credit card or invoice. "
                              exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
                              exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                                    item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                                    provider hasValue KIKA
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and
                              exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                                    hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                              exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              ((?Payment) implies 
                                     ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                                          (?Payment memberOf KIKA.acceptsPaymentMethod))) 
                                     purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                                     purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem, 
                                     buyer hasValue ?Buyer, 
                                     seller hasValue KIKA,
                                     purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
                              ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

                  axiom ssKikaEffect
                              dc:description hasValue "delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to
                                    the buyer shipping address specified in the input, or via self collection 
                                    by the buyer"
                              exists ?Item(?Item[
                                    provider hasValue KIKA
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                           hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                                    deliveryItem hasValue ?Item,
                                    sender hasValue KIKA,
                                    receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                                    carrier hasValue GermanParcel
                              ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip) 
                                     deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                              ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .


 interface ssKikaInterface
                  dc:description hasValue "defines the Choreography of Seller Service 1"


Listing. Seller Service IKEA (WSML file)
 * Seller Service IKEA

namespace <<http://>>

webservice <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Service IKEA"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:seller, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery}
      dc:description hasValue "IKEA seller service for selling a piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: SWF Services are modeled as WSMO Web Services
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "loc:austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.6 $"

importedOntologies {

capability ssIKEACapability
                  axiom ssIKEAPrecondition
                              dc:description hasValue "required input is:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold,
                              [2] IKEA information as seller (registered marketplace participant, located in Austria, accepted payment),
                              [3] possible payment for the purchase contract is credit card or invoice."
                              ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                               and ?InputSeller[
                                     marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "IKEA",
                                     name hasValue "IKEA",
                                     telephone hasValue "3456",
                                     fax hasValue "3456",
                                     contactAddress hasValue IKEAAddress,
                                     acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
                               ] memberOf swfmo:company
                               and IKEAAddress memberOf loc:address
                               and ((?Payment memberOf swfmo:creditcard)
                                     or (?Payment memberOf swfmo:invoice)
                                     or (?Payment memberOf swfmo:cash)) .

                  axiom ssIKEAAssumption
                              dc:description hasValue "the desired piece of furniture has to be available as a product offered by the seller"
                                    item hasValue ?InputItem,
                                    provider hasValue IKEA
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product
                              and ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                              and IKEA memberOf swfmo:company .

                  axiom ssIKEAPostcondition
                              dc:description hasValue "returns a contract of purchase for a piece
                                     of furniture that fits the desire between a buyer and the seller
                                     provided as input, with accepted payments credit card or invoice. "
                              exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
                              exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                                    item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                                    provider hasValue IKEA
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and
                              exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                                    hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                              exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              ((?Payment) implies 
                                     ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                                          (?Payment memberOf IKEA.acceptsPaymentMethod))) 
                                     purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                                     purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem, 
                                     buyer hasValue ?Buyer, 
                                     seller hasValue IKEA,
                                     purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
                              ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

                  axiom ssIKEAEffect
                              dc:description hasValue "delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to
                                    the buyer shipping address specified in the input, or via self collection 
                                    by the buyer"
                              exists ?Item(?Item[
                                    provider hasValue IKEA
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                           hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                                    deliveryItem hasValue ?Item,
                                    sender hasValue IKEA,
                                    receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                                    carrier hasValue IKEADeliveryService
                              ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip) 
                                     deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                              ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .

 interface ssIKEAInterface
                  dc:description hasValue "defines the Choreography of Seller Service 1"


Listing. Seller Service 1 (WSML file)
 * Seller Service 1

namespace <<http://>>
webservice <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Service 1"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:seller, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery}
      dc:description hasValue "general marketplace seller service for selling a piece of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: SWF Services are modeled as WSMO Web Services
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "loc:austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.9 $"

importedOntologies {

capability ss1Capability
                  axiom ss1Precondition 
                              dc:description hasValue "required input is: 
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold, 
                              [2] seller information (registered marketplace participant, located in Austria, accepted payment),
                              [3] possible payment for the purcahse contract is credit card or invoice."
                         ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                         and ?InputSeller[
                               marketplaceParticipantID hasValue ?X1,
                               name hasValue ?X2,
                               telephone hasValue ?X3,
                               fax hasValue ?X4,
                               contactAddress hasValue ?ContactAddress, 
                               acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?Payment}
                         ] memberOf swfmo:seller
                         and ?ContactAddress[      
                               city.inCountry hasValue ?Y
                         ] memberOf loc:address 
                         and ?Y[
                               inContinent hasValue europe
                         ] memberOf loc:country       
                         and ((?Payment memberOf swfmo:creditcard) 
                                           or (?Payment memberOf swfmo:invoice)) .      

                  axiom ss1Assumption
                              dc:description hasValue "the desired piece of furniture has to be available as a product offered by the seller"
                                    item hasValue ?InputItem,
                                    provider hasValue ?InputSeller
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product
                              and ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                              and ?InputSeller memberOf swfmo:seller .

                  axiom ss1Postcondition 
                              dc:description hasValue "returns a contract of purchase for a piece 
                                     of furniture that fits the desire between a buyer and the seller 
                                     provided as input, with accepted payments credit card or invoice. "
                              exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and
                              exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                                    item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                                    provider hasValue ?Seller
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and
                              exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                                    hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                              exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?Seller(?Seller[
                                     contactAddress hasValue ?Address,
                                     acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?SellerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:seller) and
                              exists ?Address(?Address[
                                     city.inCountry hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf loc:address) and
                              exists ?SellerPayment(?SellerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              ((?Payment) implies 
                                     ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                                          (?Payment memberOf ?SellerPayment))) 
                                     purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                                     purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem, 
                                     seller hasValue ?Seller,
                                     purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
                              ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .
                  axiom ss1Effect 
                              dc:description hasValue "delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to 
                                    the shipping address of the buyer specified in the input, alternatively self collection by buyer"
                              exists ?Item(?Item memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                              exists ?Seller(?Seller[
                                     contactAddress hasValue ?ContactAddress 
                              ] memberOf swfmo:seller) and 
                              exists ?ContactAddress(?ContactAddress[      
                                    city.inCountry hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf loc:address) and 
                              exists ?Buyer(Buyer[
                                    shipToAddress hasValue ?BuyerAddress
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                              exists ?BuyerAddress(?BuyerAddress[
                                    city.inCountry hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf loc:address) and 
                              exists ?Carrier(?Carrier[
                                    deliverCoverage hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier) and      
                                    deliveryItem hasValue ?Item, 
                                    sender hasValue ?Seller, 
                                    receiver hasValue ?Buyer,
                                    carrier hasValue ?Carrier
                              ] memberOf swfmo:dropShip
                                     deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                              ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection) .

 interface ss1Interface
                  dc:description hasValue "defines the Choreography of Seller Service 1"


Listing. Seller Service 2 (WSML file)
 * Seller Service 2

namespace <<http://>>

webservice <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Service 2"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:seller, swfmo:product, furn:furniture}
      dc:description hasValue "general marketplace seller service for providing product information for specific types of furniture"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-30"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: SWF Services are modeled as WSMO Web Services
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "loc:austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.6 $"

importedOntologies {

capability ss2Capability
                  axiom ss2Precondition
                              dc:description hasValue "required input is:
                              [1] the piece of furniture that product information are requested for,
                              [2] the seller or type of seller (e.g. private seller only) whose offers to be searched for."
                         ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                         and ?InputSeller memberOf swfmo:seller . 

                  axiom ss2Assumption
                              dc:description hasValue "the desired piece of furniture has to be available as a product offered by the seller"
                              item hasValue ?InputItem,
                              provider hasValue ?InputSeller
                        ] memberOf swfmo:product
                        and ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                        and ?InputSeller memberOf swfmo:seller .

                  axiom ss2Postcondition
                              dc:description hasValue "provides detailed product information for a piece of furniture 
                                    offered by a specific seller or seller group"
                              exists ?FurnitureSearched(?FurnitureSearched memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?Provider(?Provider memberOf swfmo:seller) and 
                                     item hasValue ?FurnitureSearched,
                                     provider hasValue ?Provider
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product .

                  axiom ss2Effect
                              dc:description hasValue "no effect"
                         ?X .
                         comment: means there is no effect 

 interface ss2Interface
                  dc:description hasValue "defines the Choreography of Seller Service 1"


Listing. Seller Service 3 (WSML file)
 * Seller Service 3

namespace <<http://>>

webservice <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "Seller Service 3"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:privateSeller, swfmo:purchaseContract, furn:furniture, swfmo:delivery}
      dc:description hasValue "general marketplace seller service for selling a piece of furniture 
            for private sellers only"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: SWF Services are modeled as WSMO Web Services
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "loc:austria"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.6 $"

importedOntologies {

capability ss3Capability
                  axiom ss3Precondition
                              dc:description hasValue "required input is:
                              [1] a piece of furniture to be sold,
                              [2] private seller information (registered marketplace participant, located in Austria, accepted payment),
                              [3] possible payment for the purcahse contract is credit card or invoice."
                         ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                         and ?InputSeller[
                               marketplaceParticipantID hasValue ?X1,
                               name hasValue ?X2,
                               telephone hasValue ?X3,
                               fax hasValue ?X4,
                               contactAddress hasValue ?ContactAddress,
                               acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?SellerPayment}
                         ] memberOf swfmo:privateSeller
                         and ?ContactAddress[
                               city.inCountry hasValue austria
                         ] memberOf loc:address
                         and ?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod
                         and ((?Payment) implies (?Payment memberOf ?SellerPayment)) .

                  axiom ss3Assumption
                              dc:description hasValue "the desired piece of furniture has to be available as a product offered by the seller"
                                    item hasValue ?InputItem, 
                                    provider hasValue ?PrivateSeller
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product
                              and ?InputItem memberOf furn:furniture
                              and ?PrivateSeller memberOf PrivateSeller .

                  axiom ss3Postcondition
                              dc:description hasValue "returns a contract of purchase for a piece
                                     of furniture that fits the desire between a buyer and the seller
                                     provided as input, with accepted payments credit card or invoice. "
                              exists ?PCID(?PCID memberOf xsd:integer) and 
                              exists ?PurchaseItem(?PurchaseItem[
                                    item hasValue ?PurchaseFurniture,
                                    provider hasValue ?PrivateSeller
                              ] memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                              exists ?PurchaseFurniture(?PurchaseFurniture memberOf furn:furniture) and
                              exists ?Buyer(?Buyer[
                                    hasPaymentMethod hasValues {?BuyerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:buyer) and 
                              exists ?BuyerPayment(?BuyerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?PrivateSeller(?PrivateSeller[
                                     contactAddress hasValue ?SellerAddress,
                                     acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {?SellerPayment}
                              ] memberOf swfmo:privateSeller) and 
                              exists ?SellerAddress(?SellerAddress[
                                     city.inCountry hasValue austria
                              ] memberOf loc:address) and 
                              exists ?SellerPayment(?SellerPayment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              exists ?Payment(?Payment memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod) and 
                              ((?Payment) implies 
                                     ((?Payment memberOf ?BuyerPayment) and 
                                          (?Payment memberOf ?SellerPayment))) 
                              purchaseContractID hasValue ?PCID,
                              purchaseItem hasValue ?PurchaseItem,
                              buyer hasValue ?Buyer,
                              seller hasValue ?PrivateSeller, 
                              purchasePayment hasValue ?Payment
                        ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract .

                  axiom ss3Effect
                              dc:description hasValue "delivery of the purchased piece of furniture to
                                    the shipping address of the buyer as specified in the input "
                               exists ?Item(?Item memberOf swfmo:product) and 
                                          deliveryItem hasValue ?Item
                                    ] memberOf swfmo:selfCollection .

 interface ss3Interface
                  dc:description hasValue "defines the Choreography of Seller Service 1"


3.6 Mediators

This section specifies the WSMO Mediators used with the SWF Use Case

3.6.1 GG Mediators

WSMO GG Mediators used with the SWF Use Case.

NOTE: WSMO GG Mediators are under construction; currently, the notion of "Reduction" is not for GG Mediators. The following models are intended as a suggestion on how to use Reduction within GG Mediators.

Listing. GG Mediator 1 (WSML file)
 * GGMediator between BGS2, BGS1

namespace <<http://>>

ggMediator <<http://>>

      dc:title hasValue "GG Mediator between BGS2, BGS1"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:paymentMethod}
      dc:description hasValue "states that BGS1 is derived from BGS2"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: described as WSMO-Mediators
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<http://>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

comment: no imported ontologies / used mediators as these are
inherited from the source and target

source <<http://>>

target <<http://>>

 axiom ggM1Redcution
            dc:description hasValue "restricts the paymentMethod to creditcard"
      (?X memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod
                  and bgs2:postcondition.purchasecontract[
                        ?PurchasePayment hasValue ?X
                  ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract)
      (?Y memberOf swfmo:creditcard      
                  and bgs1:postcondition.purchasecontract[
                        ?PurchasePayment hasValue ?Y
                  ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract) .


Listing. GG Mediator 2 (WSML file)
 * GGMediator for Cooperative Goal 1

namespace <<>>

ggMediator <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "GG Mediator for Cooperative Goal 1"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {swfmo:buyer, swfmo:paymentMethod}
      dc:description hasValue "restricts paymentMethod to credit card payment only"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma, Uwe Keller"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-09-20"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
            comment: described as WSMO-Mediators
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.3 $"

comment: no imported ontologies / used mediators as these are inherited from the source and target 

source <<>>

target <<>>

 axiom cg1Redcution
            dc:description hasValue "restricts the paymentMethod to creditcard" 
      ((?X memberOf swfmo:creditCard 
                  and bgs1:postcondition.purchasecontract[
                        ?PurchasePayment hasValue ?X 
                  ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract)
       (?Y memberOf swfmo:paymentMethod
                  and sgs1:postcondition.purchasecontract[
                        ?PurchasePayment hasValue ?Y 
                  ] memberOf swfmo:purchaseContract))
      implies (?Y memberOf swfmo:creditcard) .


3.6 SWF Use Case Knowledge Base

This section pre-defines instances for the SWF Use Case.

Listing. SWF Use Case Knowledge Base (WSML file)
 * SWF Use Case Knowledge Base
 * this is a collection of pre-defined data for the SWF Use Case

namespace <<>>

ontology <<>>

      dc:title hasValue "SWF Use Case Knowledge Base"
      dc:creator hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:subject hasValues {furn:furniture, swfmo:marketplaceParticipant, swfmo:product, swfmo:paymentMethod, loc:address, loc:city, loc:country}
      dc:description hasValue "describes pre-defined instance data for the SWF Use Case"
      dc:publisher hasValue "SWF Project"
      dc:contributor hasValue "Michael Stollberg, Ioan Toma"
      dc:date hasValue "2004-10-13"
      dc:type hasValue <<>>
      dc:format hasValue "text/html"
      dc:language hasValue "en-US"
      dc:relation hasValues {<<>>,
      dc:coverage hasValue "SWF virtual marketplace"
      dc:rights hasValue <<>>
      version hasValue "$Revision: 1.8 $"

importedOntologies {

 * Furniture 

 * Material instances
instance wood memberOf furn:material 

instance silk memberOf furn:material 

instance down memberOf furn:material 

instance polyester memberOf furn:material 

instance polywood memberOf furn:material 

instance veneer memberOf furn:material 

instance cotton memberOf furn:material 

instance leather memberOf furn:material 

instance foil memberOf furn:material 

instance glass memberOf furn:material 

instance lacquer memberOf furn:material 

 * BED instances
instance f2 memberOf furn:singleBed
                  depth hasValue 200
                  width hasValue 90
                  material hasValues {wood}
                  color hasValue "black"

instance f18 memberOf furn:singleBed
                  depth hasValue 200
                  width hasValue 100
                  material hasValues {wood, polyester}
                  color hasValue "white"

instance f19 memberOf furn:doubleBed
                  depth hasValue 200
                  width hasValue 140
                  material hasValues {steel, polyester}
                  color hasValue "white"

instance f20 memberOf furn:kingSizeBed
                  depth hasValue 250
                  width hasValue 200
                  material hasValues {steel, polyester}
                  color hasValue "blue"

instance f1 memberOf furn:storageFurniture
                  material hasValues {wood}

 * CABINET instances
instance f15 memberOf furn:cabinet
                  depth hasValue 195
                  width hasValue 89
                  height hasValue 46
                  material hasValues {veneer, lacquer, glass}
                  color hasValue "brown"
                  shelvsNumber hasValue 6
                  isFlexible hasValue false

instance f16 memberOf furn:cabinet
                  depth hasValue 110
                  width hasValue 100
                  height hasValue 40
                  material hasValues {veneer, lacquer, wood, glass}
                  color hasValue "brown"
                  shelvsNumber hasValue 4
                  isFlexible hasValue false

 * CHEST instances
instance f17 memberOf furn:chest
                  depth hasValue 100
                  width hasValue 80
                  height hasValue 40
                  material hasValues {wood, polyester}
                  color hasValue "gray"
                  storageCapacity hasValue 100

 * SHELF instances
instance f5 memberOf furn:bookShelf
                  depth hasValue 110
                  width hasValue 30
                  material hasValues {wood}
                  color hasValue "brown"
                  shelvsNumber hasValue 5
                  isFlexible hasValue false

instance f13 memberOf furn:shelf
                  depth hasValue 93
                  width hasValue 20
                  height hasValue 66
                  material hasValues {foil}
                  color hasValue "white"
                  shelvsNumber hasValue 2
                  isFlexible hasValue false

instance f14 memberOf furn:shelf
                  depth hasValue 69
                  width hasValue 42
                  height hasValue 30
                  material hasValues {wood}
                  color hasValue "brown"
                  shelvsNumber hasValue 4
                  isFlexible hasValue false

 * SEAT FURNITURE instances
 * CHAIR instances
instance f6 memberOf furn:chair
                  depth hasValue 49
                  width hasValue 42
                  height hasValue 90
                  material hasValues {wood}
                  color hasValue "red"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 
instance f7 memberOf furn:chair
                  depth hasValue 56
                  width hasValue 51
                  height hasValue 85
                  material hasValues {steel, polyester, polywood}
                  color hasValue "silver"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 
instance f8 memberOf furn:chair
                  depth hasValue 81
                  width hasValue 58
                  height hasValue 53
                  material hasValues {lacquer, veneer}
                  color hasValue "blue"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 

 * ARMCHAIR instances
instance f4 memberOf furn:armChair
                  depth hasValue 110
                  width hasValue 100
                  material hasValues {silk, down, wood}
                  color hasValue "magneta"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 

instance f9 memberOf furn:armChair
                  depth hasValue 72
                  width hasValue 80
                  height hasValue 78                  
                  material hasValues {wood, cotton, poyester}
                  color hasValue "white"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 

instance f12 memberOf furn:chaislounge
                  depth hasValue 91
                  width hasValue 76
                  height hasValue 41
                  material hasValues {cotton, polyester, wood}
                  color hasValue "black"

 * SOFA isntances
instance f10 memberOf furn:sofaBed
                  depth hasValue 219
                  width hasValue 96
                  height hasValue 84                  
                  material hasValues {wood, cotton, poyester}
                  color hasValue "red"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 

instance f11 memberOf furn:clubSofa
                  depth hasValue 180
                  width hasValue 88
                  height hasValue 69                  
                  material hasValues {leather, steel}
                  color hasValue "blak"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 
 * TABLE instances
instance diningTable memberOf furn:table                  
instance kitchenTable memberOf furn:table                  

instance f21 memberOf furn:pedestalTable
                  depth hasValue 60
                  width hasValue 60
                  height hasValue 63
                  material hasValues {polyester}
                  color hasValue "white"

instance f22 memberOf furn:table
                  depth hasValue 135
                  width hasValue 74
                  height hasValue 74
                  material hasValues {wood}
                  color hasValue "gray"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 

 * DESK isntances
instance f3 memberOf furn:desk
                  depth hasValue 120
                  width hasValue 90
                  material hasValues {wood}
                  color hasValue "black"
                  numberOfLegs hasValue 4 
 * Products 
 * Products from private sellers 
instance UKProduct memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f19 
                  price hasValue UKProductPrice
                  provider hasValue UweKeller
instance UKProductPrice memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 50.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance MSBookShelf memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f5 
                  price hasValue MSBookShelfPrice
                  provider hasValue MichaelStollbergSeller                  
instance MSBookShelfPrice memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 19.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * Product Catalogue IKEA 
 * IKEA Chairs
instance STEFANChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f6 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice1
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice1 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 19.99 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance SIXTENChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f7 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice2
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice2 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 49 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance TRASSENTChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f8 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice3
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice3 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 99 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * IKEA ArmChairs
instance TULLSTAArmChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f9 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice4
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice4 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 99 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * IKEA Chaislong
instance TYLOSANDChaislongue memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f12 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice5
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice5 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 389 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * IKEA Sofas
instance NILSBYSofaBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f10 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice6
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice6 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 259 
                  currency hasValue euro 
instance KILPPANSofaBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f11 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice7
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice7 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 499 
                  currency hasValue euro 
 * IKEA Shelf
instance ROBINShelf memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f13 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice8
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice8 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 19.99 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance SLAKTShelf memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f14 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice9
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice9 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 19.99 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * IKEA Cabinets
instance FORSHEDCabinet memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f15 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice10
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice10 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 379.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance ROSFORSCabinet memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f16 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice11
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice11 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 299.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * IKEA Chests
instance ANEBODAChest memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f17 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice12
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice12 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 69.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 
 * IKEA Beds
instance TOVIKSingleBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f18 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice13
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice13 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 99.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 
instance NORESUNDDoubleBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f19 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice14
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice14 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 199.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance MORKEDALKingSizeBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f20 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice15
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice15 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 299.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * IKEA Tables
instance SANDSKARSPedestalTable memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f21 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice16
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice16 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 29.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance NORDENTable memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f22 
                  price hasValue IKEAPrice17
                  provider hasValue IKEA
instance IKEAPrice17 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 79.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * Product Catalogue LEINER 
 * LEINER Chairs
instance LEIChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f6 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice1
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice1 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 24.99 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance SENTChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f8 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice2
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice2 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 80 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * LEINER ArmChairs
instance MASEArmChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f9 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice3
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice3 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 120 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * LEINER Chaislong
instance MITAChaislongue memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f12 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice4
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice4 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 200 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * LEINER Sofas
instance DEMETSofaBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f10 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice5
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice5 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 250 
                  currency hasValue euro 
 * LEINER Shelf
instance HOODShelf memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f13 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice6
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice6 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 35.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * LEINER Cabinets
instance MINISTCabinet memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f15 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice7
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice7 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 400.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance FORSCabinet memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f16 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice8
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice8 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 250.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * LEINER Chests
instance ABAChest memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f17 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice9
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice9 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 100.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 
 * LEINER Beds
instance VIKISingleBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f18 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice10
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice10 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 200.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 
instance HENRYKingSizeBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f20 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice11
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice11 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 350.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * LEINER Tables
instance SANDSKARSPedestalTable memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f21 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice12
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice12 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 35.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance DEDALTable memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f22 
                  price hasValue LEINERPrice13
                  provider hasValue LEINER
instance LEINERPrice13 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 90.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * Product Catalogue KIKA
 * KIKA Chairs
instance FANChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f6 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice1
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice1 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 30.99 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance TRENTChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f8 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice2
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice2 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 89 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * KIKA ArmChairs
instance KIKArmChair memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f9 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice3
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice3 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 79 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * KIKA Chaislong
instance TITIChaislongue memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f12 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice4
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice4 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 500 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * KIKA Sofas
instance TOMSofaBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f10 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice5
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice5 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 300 
                  currency hasValue euro 
 * KIKA Shelf
instance MAHOShelf memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f14 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice6
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice6 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 39.99 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * KIKA Cabinets
instance SHEDCabinet memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f15 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice7
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice7 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 250.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

instance FORSCabinet memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f16 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice8
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice8 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 319.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * KIKA Chests
instance TODAChest memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f17 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice9
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice9 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 99.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 
 * KIKA Beds
instance VIKINGSingleBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f18 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice10
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice10 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 109.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 
instance SUNDDDoubleBed memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f19 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice11
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice11 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 220.00 
                  currency hasValue euro 

 * KIKA Tables
instance SAMPTable memberOf swfmo:product
                  item hasValue f22 
                  price hasValue KIKAPrice12
                  provider hasValue KIKA
instance KIKAPrice12 memberOf swfmo:price
                  amount hasValue 69.00 
                  currency hasValue euro

 * Marketplace Participants 
 * Ioan Toma      - buyer
            instance IoanToma memberOf swfmo:buyer
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "buyer9876"
                  name hasValue "Ioan Toma"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6461"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  billToAddress hasValue ITAddress
                  shipToAddress hasValue ITAddress
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {ITCreditCard, ITCash, ITCheck}

            instance ITAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Technikerstrasse"
                  number hasValue "13"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance ITCreditCard memberOf swfmo:creditCard
                  type hasValue Visa
                  number hasValue "237671"
                  holder hasValue "Ioan Toma"
                  expMonth hasValue 06
                  expYear hasValue 2006

            instance ITCash memberOf swfmo:cash
                  payer hasValue IoanToma

            instance ITCheck memberOf swfmo:check
                  drawer hasValue IoanToma
                  drawerAccount hasValue ITAccount 
            instance ITAccount memberOf swfmo:account 
                  bank hasValue HypoTirol
                  owner hasValue "Ioan Toma"
                  accountNumber hasValue 17111345
            instance HypoTirol memberOf swfmo:bank 
                  bankName hasValue "Hypo Bank Tirol"
                  bankAddress hasValue HypoAddress 
                  bankIdentifierCode hasValue "57000"

            instance HypoAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Am Innrain"
                  number hasValue "48"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

 * Dieter Fensel      - buyer
            instance DieterFensel memberOf swfmo:buyer
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "buyer65245"
                  name hasValue "Dieter Fensel"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6488"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  billToAddress hasValue DFAddress
                  shipToAddress hasValue DFAddress

            instance DFAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Technikerstrasse"
                  number hasValue "13"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

 * Michael Stollberg - buyer 
            instance MichaelStollberg memberOf swfmo:buyer
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "buyer1234"
                  name hasValue "Michael Stollberg"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6479"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  billToAddress hasValue MSAddress
                  shipToAddress hasValue MSAddress
                  hasPaymentMethod hasValues {MSCreditCard, MSCash}

            instance MSAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Technikerstrasse"
                  number hasValue "13"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance MSCreditCard memberOf swf:creditCard
                  type hasValue MasterCard
                  number hasValue "123456789"
                  holder hasValue "Michael Stollberg"
                  expMonth hasValue 08
                  expYear hasValue 2007

            instance MSCash memberOf swfmo:cash
                  payer hasValue MichaelStollberg

 * Michael Stollberg - private seller 
            instance MichaelStollbergSeller memberOf swfmo:privateSeller
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "seller1234"
                  name hasValue "Michael Stollberg"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6479"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  contactAddress hasValue MSSellerAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {MSAccCheck, MSAccCash}

            instance MSSellerAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Landseestrasse"
                  number hasValue "3a"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance MSAccCheck memberOf swfmo:check
                  receiver hasValue MichaelStollbergSeller

            instance MSAccCash memberOf swfmo:cash
                  receiver hasValue MichaelStollbergSeller
 * Uwe Keller - private seller
            instance UweKeller memberOf swfmo:privateSeller
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "seller9876"
                  name hasValue "Uwe Keller"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-512-507-6468"
                  fax hasValue "+43-512-507-9872"
                  contactAddress hasValue UKAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {UKCheck, UKCash}

            instance UKAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Goethestrasse"
                  number hasValue "10"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020

            instance UKCheck memberOf swfmo:check
                  receiver hasValue UweKeller 

            instance UKCash memberOf swfmo:cash
                  receiver hasValue UweKeller 

 * IKEA - seller company 
            instance IKEA memberOf swfmo:company 
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "sellerIKEA"
                  name hasValue "IKEA"
                  email hasValue "" 
                  telephone hasValue "+43-1-123456"
                  fax hasValue "+43-1-123456"
                  contactAddress hasValue IKEAAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {IKEACreditCard, IKEAInvoice, IKEACash}
                  companyNumber hasValue "xyz"
                  website hasValue ""
            instance IKEAAddress memberOf loc:address 
                  street hasValue "am DEZ"
                  number hasValue "3"
                  city hasValue innsbruck
                  zip hasValue 6020       

            instance IKEACreditCard memberOf swf:creditCard
                  type hasValue ?IKEAAcceptedCreditCards
                  ?IKEAAcceptedCreditCards hasValue MasterCard 
                  ?IKEAAcceptedCreditCards hasValue Visa
            comment: means IKEA accepts mastercard and visa as credit cards 

            instance IKEAInvoice memberOf swf:invoice
                  receiver hasValue IKEA

            instance IKEACash memberOf swf:cash
                  receiver hasValue IKEA

 * LEINER - seller company 
            instance LEINER memberOf swfmo:company
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "sellerLEINER"
                  name hasValue "Leiner"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-662-63970"
                  fax hasValue "+43-662-620843"
                  contactAddress hasValue LeinerAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {LEINERCreditCard, LEINERInvoice, LEINERCash}
                  companyNumber hasValue "abc"
                  website hasValue ""

            instance LEINERAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Alpenstraße"
                  number hasValue "1"
                  city hasValue salzburgStadt
                  zip hasValue 5020

            instance LEINERCreditCard memberOf swf:creditCard
                  type hasValue ?LEINERAcceptedCreditCards
                  ?LEINERAcceptedCreditCards hasValue MasterCard 
                  ?LEINERAcceptedCreditCards hasValue Visa
            comment: means LEINER accepts mastercard and visa as credit cards 

            instance LEINERInvoice memberOf swf:invoice
                  receiver hasValue LEINER

            instance LEINERCash memberOf swf:cash
                  receiver hasValue LEINER

 * KIKA - seller company 
            instance KIKA memberOf swfmo:company
                  marketplaceParticipantID hasValue "sellerKika"
                  name hasValue "Kika"
                  email hasValue ""
                  telephone hasValue "+43-1-2033539"
                  fax hasValue "+43-1-2033539"
                  contactAddress hasValue KIKAAddress
                  acceptsPaymentMethod hasValues {KIKACreditCard, KIKAInvoice, KIKACash}
                  companyNumber hasValue "kika"
                  website hasValue ""

            instance KIKAAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Donaustadtstraße"
                  number hasValue "1"
                  city hasValue wienStadt
                  zip hasValue 1220

            instance KIKACreditCard memberOf swf:creditCard
                  type hasValue ?KIKAAcceptedCreditCards
                  ?KIKAAcceptedCreditCards hasValue MasterCard 
                  ?KIKAAcceptedCreditCards hasValue Visa
            comment: means KIKA accepts mastercard and visa as credit cards 

            instance KIKAInvoice memberOf swf:invoice
                  receiver hasValue KIKA

            instance KIKACash memberOf swf:cash
                  receiver hasValue KIKA

 * Locations
      instance europe memberOf loc:continent
            name hasValue "Europe"
      instance austria memberOf loc:country
            name hasValue "Austria"
            inContinent hasValue europe 
            isoCode hasValue "AT"
      instance germany memberOf loc:country
            name hasValue "Germany"
            inContinent hasValue europe 
            isoCode hasValue "DE"

 * the 9 States of Austria 
      instance burgenland memberOf loc:state 
            name hasValue "Burgenland" 
            inCountry hasValue austria 
      instance kaernten memberOf loc:state 
            name hasValue "Kaernten" 
            inCountry hasValue austria 

      instance niederoesterreich memberOf loc:state 
            name hasValue "Niederoesterreich" 
            inCountry hasValue austria 

      instance oberoesterreich memberOf loc:state 
            name hasValue "Oberoesterreich" 
            inCountry hasValue austria 

      instance salzburg memberOf loc:state 
            name hasValue "salzburg" 
            inCountry hasValue austria 

      instance steiermark memberOf loc:state 
            name hasValue "Steiermark" 
            inCountry hasValue austria 

      instance tirol memberOf loc:state 
            name hasValue "Tirol" 
            inCountry hasValue austria 

      instance vorarlberg memberOf loc:state 
            name hasValue "Vorarlberg" 
            inCountry hasValue austria 

      instance wien memberOf loc:state 
            name hasValue "Wien" 
            inCountry hasValue austria 

 * pre-defined Austrian cities
      instance innsbruck memberOf loc:city
            name hasValue "Innsbruck"
            inCountry hasValue autria 
            inState hasValue tirol 
      instance salzburgStadt memberOf loc:city
            name hasValue "Salzburg"
            inCountry hasValue autria 
            inState hasValue salzburg 

      instance munich memberOf loc:city
            name hasValue "Muenchen"
            inCountry hasValue germany

      instance wienStadt memberOf loc:city
            name hasValue "Wien"
            inCountry hasValue autria 
            inState hasValue wien

 * Drop Ship Deliverers      
instance GermanParcel memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier
                  name hasValue "German Parcel"
                  companyNumber hasValue "gp"
                  contactaddress hasValue GPAddress
                  transportBy hasValue truck
                  deliveryCoverage hasValue europe

instance GPAddress memberOf loc:address
                  street hasValue "Franz-Joseph-Strasse"
                  number hasValue "17"
                  city hasValue munich
                  zip hasValue 80801

instance IKEADeliveryService memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier
                  name hasValue "IKEA Delivery Service"
                  companyNumber hasValue "IKEAds001"
                  contactaddress hasValue IKEAAddress
                  transportBy hasValue truck
                  deliveryCoverage hasValue austria 

instance LeinerDeliveryService memberOf swfmo:dropShipCarrier
                  name hasValue "Leiner Delivery Service"
                  companyNumber hasValue "Leinerds001"
                  contactaddress hasValue LeinerAddress
                  transportBy hasValue truck
                  deliveryCoverage hasValue austria

// transportation means 

instance truck memberOf swfmo:transportationMean 

instance train memberOf swfmo:transportationMean 

instance plane memberOf swfmo:transportationMean 

 * currencies - only Euro, as the markeptlace is limited to Austria
instance euro memberOf swfmo:curreny
 name hasValue "Euro"
 code hasValue "EUR" 

 * payment methods 
instance MasterCard memberOf swfmo:creditCardType

instance Visa memberOf swfmo:creditCardType

instance AmercianExpress memberOf swfmo:creditCardType


4. SWF Discoveres: Matchmaking Overview

A major asset of the use case specified above is realistic cooperations of Freds can be determined by matchmaking within the SWF Discoverers. The following gives a brief overview of the architecture of the discoverers and explains how the separate components are realized. Furthermore, it provides overviews of the intended matchmaking for establishing reasonable cooperations, and the testing results of distinct matchmakers which "prove" that the modeling of the resources is correct on the one hand, and, on the other, that the matchmakers work correctly. The SWF compoments for GG Discovery, GS Discovery, and WW Discovery that work on the resources specified in the use case are specified in [SWF Deliverable D4]. That deliverable specifies the SWF architecture and the specific discoverers in detail; these issues - which are the far more interesting ones - are omitted from this document with respect to length and readability.

4.1 GG Discoverer

As the first step in the cooperative goal resolution, GG Discovery detects potential cooperation partners by determining the compatibility of their respective Goal Instances. The compatibility is given when the objects of interest (i.e. the Goal postconditions) match, and when the cooperation roles of the Goal Instance owners are compatible.

Figure 2 shows the structure of GG Discovery. A Cooperative Goal defines compatible Goal Templates, thus specifying compatible cooperation roles and constituting a pre-selection of possible cooperation partners at design time. Optionally, a WSMO GG Mediator can be defined that resolves mismatches between Goal Schemas that are not compatible a priori. For checking the compatibility of the objects of interest of Goal Instances created from compatible Goal Templates, the ontology objects defined in the Goal Instances have to be either the same or be a superset or subset of each other. The matchmaking between Goal Instances is realized in the FOL-theorem-prover VAMPIRE [Riazanov and Voronkov, 2002] by checking whether the Goal Instance of the initiating Fred (Fred A is the figure) logically entails the Goal Instances of Goal Schemas that are compatible to the one of Fred A.

GG Discovery Overview
Figure 2. GG Discovery Overview

The Cooperative Goal Knowledge is modelled within the Cooperative Goal Ontology (see Section 3.3); this ontology is queried via an API for, so that all Goal Templates that are in the same 'compatibleGoalGroup' are retrieved. For all Goal Instances that are instanceOf a Goal Template that is compatible to the Goal Template of the Goal Instance that is provided within the DiscoveryRequest, the object of interest has to be matched. This is done within the GGMatcher, which determines the final DiscoveryResult of the GG Discoverer.

The following table shows the matching resources that are required to establish reasonable cooperations. We use the fowolling abbreviations for the table:

for Goal Instances, we put the file name in brackets as well, according to the resources in Section 3.4.

Table: GGMatcher requested matches
Resources BGI 1 (111) BGI 2 (112) BGI 3 (113) BGI 4 (114) SGI IKEA (121) SGI LEINER (1212) SGI KIKA (1213) SGI 2 (122) SGI priv. 1 (123) SGI priv. 2 (1232)
BGI 1 (111)         X X X      
BGI 2 (112)         X X X   X  
BGI 3 (113)               X    
BGI 4 (114)                   X
SGI IKEA (121) X X                
SGI LEINER (1212) X X                
SGI KIKA (1213) X X                
SGI 2(122)     X              
SGI priv. 1 (123)   X                
SGI priv. 2 (1232)       X            

According to these requirements for reasonable cooperations as a GG Discovery Result, we include the test scripts for realization of the GGMatcher in Vampire which show resources, the matching result togther with the evaluation according to the requirements specified in the table above. The first file is for so called 'purchase goals', and the second one for so called 'query goals'; GI 3 (113) and SGI 2 (122) are query goals (dealing with product information), while all others are purchase goals. As different matching patterns are used, we need different test files. These testscripts have been run & executed with Vampire version 6 as available in the SWF CVS / bin/ (Linux version only).

Listing. GG Matcher Results for Purchase Goals
% File     : testGGMatcherPC.p
% Domain   : SWF Use Case GS Discovery Preselector Matchmaking Test 
% Problem  : tests all combinations for Purchasing Goals 
% Version  : 1.2


% Buyer Goal Instance 1
% all Seller Goal Instances
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %YES    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').     %YES    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').     %YES    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %NO     CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %NO     CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').     %NO     CORRECT

% Buyer Goal Instance 2
% all Seller Goal Instances
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %YES    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').     %YES    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').     %YES    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %NO    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %YES    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').     %NO    CORRECT

% Buyer Goal Instance 4
% all Seller Goal Instances
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %NO    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').     %NO    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').     %NO    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %NO    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %NO    CORRECT
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').     %YES    CORRECT

%testing of seller gola intances matching not needed because of Intersection Match 

% Seller Goal Instance 1
%include('../goals/goalinstances/').      %YES    CORRECT
% all Buyer Goal Instances

% Seller Goal Instance 1.2
% all Buyer Goal Instances

% Seller Goal Instance 1.3
% all Buyer Goal Instances

% Seller Goal Instance 3
% all Buyer Goal Instances

% Seller Goal Instance 3.2
% all Buyer Goal Instances

% Proof Obligation GG Discoverer for PurchaseContracts Goal Instances:
% - Intersection for postconditions
% - Intersection for effects

input_formula(po, conjecture,( 
? [X] : ( goalpostcondition(X) & goalpostcondition2(X) ) &
? [Y] : ( goaleffect(Y) & goaleffect2(Y) ) 


4.2 GS Discoverer

The second step in the resolution process is GS Discovery which detects suitable services for automated goal resolution separately for each cooperation partner identified in GG Discovery. Analogous to Web Service Discovery, GS Discovery returns a set of services that a partner can use for automated goal resolution and thus realizes the WSMO approach for Web Service Discovery [Keller et al., 2004].

Figure 3 shows the structure of GS Discovery for Fred A as a potential cooperation partner. The proof obligation for matchmaking between the Goal Instance of Fred A and Service Capabilities as functional descriptions of available Services is that under consideration of all Ontologies and Mediators used in the Goal and the Capability description, if the submission of the Goal Instance satisfies the precondition and assumption of the Capability, and if the Goal Instance postcondition implies the Capability postcondition as well as if the Goal effects imply the Capability effects, then that the Service matches the Goal. For resolving partial Goal-Capability matches into exact matches, a WSMO WG Mediator defines the required reduction similar to the usage of GG Mediators in GG Discovery.

GS Discovery Overview
Figure 3. GS Discovery Overview

As shown in the figure, the GS Discoverer consists of three components:

  1. Service Class and Usage Permission Filter: This pre-filters services to be matched according to the Service Ontology (see Section 3.5.1) - i.e. for a Buyer Goal Instance only buyerservices will be matched; additionally, potential usabale services can be pre-filtered according to usage permissions of Freds (e.g. The LEINER-Fred is not allowed to use the IKEA Service)
  2. the Pre-Selector matches the Goal Template of the Goal Instances provided as DiscoveryRequest with those services available in the Repository that are valid for the Pre-Filter
  3. the GIS Matcher matches the Goal Instance with the DiscoveryResult of the Pre-Selector, determining the final GS DiscoveryResult.

While the Pre-Filter works via APIs on the Service Ontology, the Pre-Selector and the GIS Matcher are implemented as matchmakers with VAMPIRE.

4.2.1 Pre-Selector Matchmaking

As for the GG Matcher, the following table shows the matchmaking requirements for the GS Pre-Selector.

Table: GGMatcher requested matches
Services \ Goal Templates BGT 1 BGT 2 BGT 3 BGT 4 SGT 1 SGT 2 SGT 3
BS 1 X X   X      
BS 2     X        
BS 3   X   X      
SS IKEA         X    
SS LEINER         X    
SS KIKA         X    
SS 1         X    
SS 2           X  
SS 3         X   X

The following listings shows the testing results for the Pre-Selector as realized and tested with VAMPIRE; here also, we have separate testing files for purchase- and query goals.

Listing. Pre-Selector Results for Purchase Goals
% File     : testGSPreselectorPC.p
% Domain   : SWF Use Case GG Discovery Matchmaking Test
% Problem  : tests all combinations for GG Discovery for Purchasing Goals
% Version  : 1.2

include('../ontologies/'). include('../ontologies/').

% Buyer Goal Template 1 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO    CORRECT

%include('../services/').      %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter
%include('../services/').   %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter 
%include('../services/').      %NO    CORRECT

% Buyer Goal Template 2 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO     CORRECT 
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT

%include('../services/').      %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter
%include('../services/').   %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter
%include('../services/').      %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter

% Buyer Template 4 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT

%include('../services/').      %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter
%include('../services/').   %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').      %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter


% Seller Template 1 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').      %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').      %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').   %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/'). %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').   %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').      %YES    CORRECT

%include('../services/').       %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter
%include('../services/').       %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter

% Seller Template 3
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').      %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').      %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').   %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/'). %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').   %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').      %YES    CORRECT

%include('../services/').       %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter
%include('../services/').       %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter

% Proof Obligation GG Discoverer for PurchaseContracts Goal Instances:
% - Intersection for postconditions
% - Intersection for effects

input_formula(po, conjecture,( 
? [X] : ( goalpostcondition(X) & wspostcondition(X) ) 
? [Y] : ( goaleffect(Y) & wseffect(Y) ) 


Listing. Pre-Selector Results for Query Goals
% File     : testGSPreselectorQ.p
% Domain   : SWF Use Case GG Discovery Matchmaking Test 
% Problem  : tests all combinations for GG Discovery for Querying Goals 
% Version  : 1.2


% Buyer Goal Template 3
% all relevant services 
%include('../services/').       %YES      CORRECT 
%include('../services/').      %NO       WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter 
%include('../services/').       %NO       CORRECT 

% Seller Goal Template 3
% all relevant services 
%include('../services/').      %YES      CORRECT 
%include('../services/').       %NO       WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter 
%include('../services/').       %NO       CORRECT 
%include('../services/').      %NO       CORRECT 

% Proof Obligation GG Discoverer for PurchaseContracts Goal Instances:
% - PlugIn for postconditions
% - Exact for effects

input_formula(po, conjecture,( 
! [X] : ( goalpostcondition(X) => wspostcondition(X) ) & 
! [Y] : ( goaleffect(Y) <=> wseffect(Y) ) 


4.2.2 GIS Matcher Matchmaking

The following table shows the matchmaking requirements for the GIS Matcher in the GS Discoverer GS Pre-Selector.

Table: GIS Matcher requested matches
Resources BGI 1 (111) BGI 2 (112) BGI 3 (113) BGI 4 (114) SGI IKEA (121) SGI LEINER (1212) SGI KIKA (1213) SGI 2 (122) SGI priv. 1 (123) SGI priv. 2 (1232)
BS 1 X X                
BS 2     X              
BS 3   X   X            
SS IKEA         X          
SS LEINER           X        
SS KIKA             X      
SS 1         X       X X
SS 2               X    
SS 3                 X X

The testing scripts below for purchase- and for query goals show the matchmaking results as realized with VAMPIRE.

Listing. GIS Matcher Results for Purchase Goals
% File     : testGISMatcherPC.p
% Domain   : SWF Use Case GG Discovery Matchmaking Test
% Problem  : tests all combinations for GG Discovery for Purchasing Goals
% Version  : 1.2


% Buyer Goal Instance 1 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO     CORRECT

%include('../services/').      %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter
%include('../services/').   %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').      %NO     CORRECT

% Buyer Goal Instance 2 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT

%include('../services/').      %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter
%include('../services/').   %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter
%include('../services/').      %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter

% Buyer Goal Instance 4 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').       %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT

%include('../services/').      %NO     CORRECT 
%include('../services/').   %NO     CORRECT
include('../services/').       %NO     CORRECT


% Seller Goal Instance 1 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').          %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').          %NO    CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').     %NO    CORRECT 
%include('../services/').       %NO    CORRECT
%include('../services/').          %NO    CORRECT

%include('../services/').           %YES    WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter

% Seller Goal Instance 1.2 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').          %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').          %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO    CORRECT
%include('../services/').     %YES    CORRECT
%include('../services/').       %NO    CORRECT


% Seller Goal Instance 1.3 
% all relevant Services 


% Seller Goal Instance 3 
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').           %YES    CORRECT  
%include('../services/').           %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').        %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').      %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').        %NO     CORRECT
%include('../services/').           %YES    CORRECT

%include('../services/').            %YES,   WRONG, but handled by service ontology pre-filter

% Seller Goal Instance 3.2
% all relevant Services 
%include('../services/').           %NO    CORRECT
%include('../services/').           %NO    CORRECT
%include('../services/').        %NO    CORRECT
%include('../services/').      %NO    CORRECT
%include('../services/').        %NO    CORRECT
%include('../services/').           %YES    CORRECT

%include('../services/').           %NO     CORRECT

% Proof Obligation GG Discoverer for PurchaseContracts Goal Instances:
% - Intersection for postconditions
% - Intersection for effects

input_formula(po, conjecture,( 
? [X] : ( goalpostcondition(X) & wspostcondition(X) ) & 
? [Y] : ( goaleffect(Y) & wseffect(Y) ) )).


Listing. GIS Matcher Results for Query Goals
% File     : testGGMatcherQ.p
% Domain   : SWF Use Case GG Discovery Matchmaking Test 
% Problem  : tests all combinations for GG Discovery for Querying Goals 
% Version  : 1.2


% Buyer Goal Instance 3
% all relevant services 
%include('../services/').       %YES      CORRECT 
%include('../services/').      %YES      WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter 
%include('../services/').       %NO       CORRECT 

% Seller Goal Instance 2
% all relevant services 
%include('../services/').      %YES      CORRECT 
%include('../services/').       %YES      WRONG, handled by service ontology pre-filter 
%include('../services/').       %NO       CORRECT 
%include('../services/').      %NO       CORRECT 

% Proof Obligation GG Discoverer for PurchaseContracts Goal Instances:
% - PlugIn for postconditions
% - Exact for effects

input_formula(po, conjecture,( 
! [X] : ( goalpostcondition(X) => wspostcondition(X) ) & 
! [Y] : ( goaleffect(Y) <=> wseffect(Y) ) 


4.3 WW Discoverer

For automated interaction of services as the realization of cooperative goal resolution, the Choreography Interfaces of cooperation partners have to be compatible with regard to behavioral models and messaging sequences. This is checked in WW Discovery as the last step in cooperation establishment determines, resulting in a global interaction model of the partners’ services that allows automated execution of the cooperation.

Figure 4 illustrates the structure of WW Discovery for two Freds (A and B) that have been determined as potential cooperation partners, and each of them has discovered a set of possibly usable Services. The oval boxes represent the Choreography Interfaces with the external visible behavior and the related messages as defined in WSMO Choreography [WSMO Choreography]. Determining the compatibility of Choreography Interfaces consists of two aspects: first, the workflow of the Service Choreographies have to compatible (process level compatibility), and second the expected messaging sequence has to be compatible (protocol level compatibility). The former is considered to hold if either the process models are the same (sequence of activities and transitions), or if one of them subsumes the other. The latter is given if the message sequences of Service Choreography Interfaces are symmetric or inverse, in the simplest case; a more advanced technique for determining protocol level compatibility is under construction at the time of writing. In order to resolve possible mismatches, a WSMO WW Mediator can be included to establish compatibility on the process and protocol level.

WW Discovery Overview
Figure 4. WW Discovery Overview

The matchmaking for the WW Discoverer is not elaborated within this version of this document (because of this reason, also the Choeographies of the services are not specified yet).

5. Conclusions and Further Work

This document specifies a complete use case for the SWF technology within the domain of purchasing furniture in a virtual, agent-driven marketplace. We have briefly summarized the SWF conceptual architecture and the SWF components, provided a conceptual overview of the use case, and the models for the needed SWF requirements in WSML.

The use case outlined in this document is intended for testing and validating as well as for showcasing the SWF technology in demonstrations. Please remark that several modeling decisions and other pay-offs have been made in order to allow implementation of the use case with ín the current development status of the SWF technology.

In future versions of this document, the SWF components descriptions will be completed, and enhanced with regard to the detailed structure of specific components.

This use case is open for re-use and adaption by the SDK-Cluster working groups around WSMO.



[de Bruijn, 2004] de Bruijn. J. (ed.): WSML-Core. WSML Working Draft D16.7, 23 August 2004; available at:

[Fensel & Bussler, 2002] D. Fensel and C. Bussler: The Web Service Modeling Framework WSMF, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 1(2), 2002.

[Herzog et al., 2004] Herzog, R.; Zugmann, P.; Stollberg, M.; Roman, D. (ed.): WSMO Registry. WSMO Working Draft D10, 26 April 2004; available at:

[Keller et al., 2004] Keller, U.; Lara;, R.; Polleres, A.; Lausen, H.; Stollberg, M., Kifer, M..: Inferencing Support for Semantic Web Services: Proof Obligations. WSML Deliverable D5.1, WSML Working Draft 21 October 2004. available at

[Riazanov and Voronkov, 2002] Riazanov, A.; Voronkov, A.: The design and implementation of VAMPIRE. In AI Communications 15(2), Special issue on CASC, pp. 91 -110, 2002.

[Roman et al., 2004] D. Roman, U. Keller, H. Lausen (eds.): Web Service Modeling Ontology - Standard (WSMO - Standard), version 1.0 available at

[WSMO Choreography] Roman, D., Vasiliu, L.; Stollberg, M.; Bussler, C. (ed.): Choreography in WSMO, WSMO Working Draft D14, available at:

[WSMO Use Case] Stollberg, M.; Lausen, H.; Lara, R.; Polleres, A. (ed.): WSMO Use Case and Testing , WSMO Working Draft D3.2, available at:

[FRED Whitepaper] Stollberg, M.; Lausen, H.; Arroyo, S.; Herzog, R.; Smolle, P.; Fensel, D.: FRED Whitepaper. DERI Technical Report DERI-TR-2004-01-09; available at:

[SWF Deliverable D4] Stollberg, M.; Keller, U.; Keimel, B.; Zugmann P.; Herzog, R.: SWF Architecture, Tools, and Mechanisms. SWF Deliverable D4, available at: (under contruction).



The Semantic Web Fred project work is funded by the Austrain government under the CoOperate program. The editors would like to thank to all the members of the WSMO working group for their advice and input into this document, especially Holger Lausen and Michael Felderer for support in modeling and technical issues.

Appendix A: Change Tracking

To facilitate retracing of changes inbetween different version of this deliverable, the following lists the essentail changes done in comparison to the preceding version.

The change tracking starts with the version of 08 September 2004.

Version: 19 October 2004
- corrected definition of use case resources (making them compliant to the use case KB, changing objects of interest in Goal Instances)
- revise modeling of logical expressions in goal / service postconditions and effects; now they are 1:1 compatible with the TPTP syntax (FOL-syntax used by VAMPIRE)
- added serviceontology: defines classes of services for distinguishing buyer- and seller services
- completed SWF Use Case Knowledge Base
- corrected identifier: general URL is, then directories for specific resources
- added section 4: overview of match making in discoverers
Version: 01 October 2004
- intermediate version, contains some corrections and additions
- default namespace:
- ontologies: corrections furnishing, swfmo, deleted date and time as not needed for use case
- changed names for WSML files, so that the naming convention with the Fred system is coherent
- added additional Goal Instances (i.e. Active WSMO Goals)
- added SWF Use Case Knowledge Base
Version: 20 September 2004
- first stable version
- valid WSML models for all Use Case resources in section 3
- SWF Component Description Language added in section 1.2
Version: 08 September 2004
- initial setup
- section 1 and section 2 completed
- section 3 (models): only initial versions

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